Chapter 8_the aliens are coming

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Song: Mother's daughter by Miley Cyrus.

Taylor felt exhausted emotionally and mentally, and angry, at herself for being so naive, and at Elle for being...well Elle.

She got to the retreat home by 8:28 pm, she got into her room and slid down the door slowly and then her dam burst, the tears flowed down her cheeks and a choking sob escaped her throat, her chest felt constricted with all the pain,

'Stop being so pathetic Taylor, what did you expect? That he'll abandon his feelings for Elle to be with you?' She chided, furiously wiping her tears as she got up,

No, she did not expect that, especially when it came down to Elle, and it always came down to Elle, why? because most men were idiots who chose to go after what they can't have over what they can have just for the trill of it,

They would always choose to date the more prettier girl, the airhead, the most popular, the most obnoxious, the mean and inconsiderate ones, the self- centered bitch, in other words Elle.

Taylor had always wondered, what the guys she'd spent years pining over saw in Elle that made them ignore her own genuine feelings, Elle was a bully, she was rude, proud and mean, she manipulated juniors into doing her homework for her simply because her rich daddy already has a paying job waiting for her after college.

How did Taylor know? Simple, Elle always got good grades even though she spent zero attention in class, one day Taylor called her out on it during one of her midnight visits,

" you want to know a secret..?" Elle paused then leaned in and whispered,"..I get juniors to do them for me" she said grinning.

Taylor's mouth hung open, "but why?!" Was all she could get out, still in shock,

Elle just shrugged, " why not? That's the point of having this much money, right?,"

To Taylor it sounded like garbage, but that was how Elle made it through middle school and that's what's helping her through high school,

Taylor looked round her room, suddenly it felt too big, too overdone and the thought of seeing Elle when she got back made her sick, she had to get out of here, she felt suffocated,

She didn't blame the guys that liked Elle though, they simply could not resist her charm, she know she couldn't,

First year in middle school, she was the new,nerdy, shy girl with  zero social life always wishing she could sit at the popular table with Elle,

She was practically obsessed with Elle, and soon her wish came true, no one knew what in the world possessed Elle to try to make friends with her but she just did,

Just to clarify, Elle was not as obnoxious then, sure she thrived in attention and was rude some times but that was it, no one could classify her as mean or a bully, but then again her older and down to earth brother Ethan, was always there to keep her in check,

He left for college when Elle was in her first year of highschool, and so Elle's reign of terror fully begun,

She left the room but not before packing her clothes into her suitcase, they were two, she made her way downstairs, at the bottom of the stairs she met Carmichael who gave her a questioning look, it made Taylor's blood boil.

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