Chapter 43_That special in between

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Hello everyone as you know, last chapter I said one more chapter left till the end but turns out it's two more, I don't want to rush into the whole ending thing so here's what I call a filler Chapter.

Note: the parts in Italics are being narrated by Elle so..just a heads up.

Songs: multiple tracks at random interval.

Elle's POV.

You know that special part in movies where it's the end and the main character finally finds the peace and happiness they have been looking for and then in an inspirational voice narrates his or her life after that happily ever after moment?

Well this is a little different because this is unlike your usual happy ever after, I'm going to start from two days after Alex left, it was sad yes but I guess we both knew that there was a lot to focus on, things that were bigger than us, Alex needed to fix things with his parents and I needed to support my best friend.

Alex and I still Skype most times so it's like he never left, we're getting past the whole trying to kill me stuff and just focusing on college and yes, he decided to go back to school, I mean how else would he be able to handle Hamilton's enterprises.

Here's how of went down:
Song: Do it all for you by Alan Walker.

Alex showed up at his father's doorstep and after a full hour of contemplating decided to ring the doorbell.

The door was flung open to reveal an elderly looking Oliver Hamilton with greyish blonde hair and greyish blue eyes, he was yet to notice Alex.

"For the last time Greg, I don't need your nudes for the company's ads" He snapped.

Don't ask me what that's all about😓.

He looked up and stared at Alex in shock, they both had this awkward stare off.

"Alex?" Oliver stuttered, he certainly didn't expect his son's sudden arrival.

"Hi dad" Alex smiled at his father, Oliver's next reply was cut off by a loud squeal.

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