Chapter 30_Suck it up

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Finally I feel like we are getting a move on in this book and now I can happily say that I am not giving up just yet on this book.

Song: Lie by NF.

I heard you told your friends that I'm not just your type,
If that's how you really feel then why'd you call last night,
You say all I ever do is just control your life,
How you gonna lie like that?

The last day has finally come, it was the eve of Elle's birthday, you know that semi special day, now most normal people would wake up singing about how tomorrow will be the day along with numerous woodland creatures singing backup and all that crap but Elle wasn't in the mood for all that.

Okay that's not true, NO normal person wakes up and starts singing with wild animals on the eve of their birthday but...they shouldn't be sad either but Elle was sad, she was beyond sad, she was sadder than sad so much so that even after her alarm had gone off, she still remained in bed. Sulking.

Elle sighed and snuggled in deeper to the cocoon she wrapped herself in using her comforter.

There was yet another knock on her door, Elle huffed in exasperation, this wasn't the first time someone had interrupted her moment of solitude, first Ethan, then the event planners who wanted her to take a look at the hall to make a final decision on where things should go, then the team that was to dress her, do her makeup and hair wanted her to look at their concepts and her dresses and then there was Alex, he was the most persistent of them all, it even made her feel worse because this was the reason why her friendship with Tay was ruined, because of Alex's stupid crush on her, why couldn't he just be that normal wattpad guy who falls for the nice girl, they could be the classic Romeo and Juliet, who wouldn't want that?!

The person at the door knocked again but louder this time, Elle's face turned red with anger, she scowled and without moving from her cocoon, threw her pillow at the door, it landed with a thud.

"Go away Alex, I'm not talking to you!" Elle yelled.

"Ellie?" A timid voice spoke from behind the door.

Elle instantly turned around, she knew that voice from somewhere and it wasn't the voice of the fiendish villain she so clearly was avoiding, no this voice belonged to the sweetest thing on the planet.

"Tris?!" Elle bolted out of her bed and rushed to her door and pulled it open, she was greeted with Tristan's warm smile, Elle couldn't help but smile back.

"Happy birthday Ellie" he grinned widely, his gap tooth on display.

Elle couldn't help but aww at how cute he was being right now, Tristan was practically bouncing on his feet from excitement.

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