Chapter 27_What changed?

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This is the start of the long awaited will they or will they not, previously Jake makes an unexpected visit😇😉.

Song: This is the life by Amy MacDonald.


"Surprise" Jake laughs doing the jazz hand.

Jake Black stood at Elle's door, a charming smile on his face, Elle was really hoping it wasn't real but his 6 ft frame was really hard to ignore at this point, his green eyes gleamed when he smiled at her, his brown hair in its signature quiff but it was messy, almost like he had spent hours running his fingers through it.

"What are you doing here?" Elle asked smiling nervously,

"Can't a guy decide to surprise his girlfriend a few day to her birthday?" Jake laughed,

"Yeah but like the summer's almost ending so there was no need to like come all this way" Elle winced inwardly when she realised that she sounded like she didn't want him to be here.

"I know but I wanted to spend time with you.." Jake smiled, his green eyes stared at her with warmth, he intertwined his fingers with hers "plus I missed you a lot and I know you missed me too"

Usually Elle would swoon whenever he said things like that but right now those butterflies weren't there anymore, she was touched but there was no special feeling to it and she didn't know why.

"That's great" Elle laughed nervously as Jake got dangerously close to her.

"I just missed you so much Ellie" his voice sounded so sad, it broke Elle's heart,

Elle inwardly groaned, what was going on with her, her emotions seem to be all over the place as of late.

"I missed you too" Elle replied softly and she did mean it, in a weird way she missed Jake.

Jake crossed over and kissed her, it was slow and tentative, like he was trying to savour the moment, Elle's eyes fluttered close.

An awkward cough made Jake pull away from her, Elle blinked and turned to the source, her heartbeat sped up instantly, the cough was from Kay.

Alex stood at the doorway of the hall with a dark look in his eyes, he had no doubt witnessed their kiss,

His eyes turned a darker shade of blue and he glared at Jake, he looked at Elle and Elle saw what she thinks was hurt in his eyes but before she could confirm it, it was gone leaving his eyes devoid of any emotion.

"Jake?!" Taylor exclaimed in shock, Jake grinned and walked over to Taylor, pulling her into his arms.

"What are you doing here?" Taylor asked, a wide smile on her face.

"Actually I came here because of Elle, I thought I'll surprise my girlfriend"

I call her KARMA (completed)Where stories live. Discover now