Chapter 33_Mr Fred Jones

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Hello hello, it is I your mysterious writer...meh I got bored of that, just hate to start without a little message.

Song: I'm still here by Sia.

A month later.

Elle groaned for the thirteenth time this morning, she had been kept up all night by Kayden's insistent singing and constantly barging into her room with the flimsy excuse of needing to borrow something and then forgetting it, he kicks the door open and then moonwalks in while singing about what he needs to burrow.

Earlier he barged in singing about needing her curlers for his hair and then returned five more times, still singing! About how he forgot to take them, apparently Alex had had enough because he hit his wall repeated before yelling.

"Damn it Kayden! Get out of there!"

Long story cut short, Elle ended up getting only 2 hours of sleep, she groaned in exasperation as her alarm clock rang for the third time, she had no choice but to get up.

'Curse Kayden and his stupid loud singing'

A cold shower seemed to clear up her drowsiness and helped keep her awake.

She put on a peach tank top over jean shorts, putting her hair into a side ponytail and headed out of her room.

She heard voices from the kitchen and followed it there, at the counter opposite Alex and Ethan was Blake...and Kayden, she scowled deeply and stormed into the kitchen.

"Oh hey Elle" Alex spoke up, his eyes shone with interest, Elle felt a pull at her heart strings.

"Morning sis" Ethan waved, his eyes trained on his phone.

"Oh great, the monster is up" Blake growled, while rolling his eyes.

"Oh great, Blake is here" Elle replied with forced cheer.

Blake was rarely at Alex's place, mainly because he had to watch Taylor, it was understandable given that Taylor would have no one to talk to since Kayden moved in with Alex and she was too angry to be in the same room as Elle and Alex.

"Ellie!" Kayden exclaimed and hugged her much to her distaste.

"You look so cute in the mornings" he clicked his tongue, placing a finger on his chin, "probably because you get your beauty sleep ever so often"

Kayden faked a smile at her, knowing fully well the she can't because of his new routine of keeping her up.

"I would look even cuter if you..hmm..I don't know.." Elle pretended to think, "LET ME SLEEP!" She glared at him.

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