Chapter 4_Vampires don't get bed head

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Hi everyone, so let's get on with the new chapter.
Song: control by Halsey

Third person POV

BEEP! BEEP! Went Elle's alarm clock, she groaned as she pulled her pillow over her head, but the beeping continued, she reached over and hit the snooze button, and slowly got up, her head throbbed as she remembered everything that happened last night, she threw her covers back as she remembered the fight she had with Taylor.

She made her way downstairs in a peach robe that only stopped above her knee, she didn't even bother about her bed head which showed just how down she was, she entered into the kitchen, and saw her dad making breakfast, usually their chef Mario made their food, it was all still new to her.

"Morning sweetheart" Brad said cheerfully as Elle kissed his cheek.

"Morning dad" Elle said in a dull voice.

Brad studied Elle, for a while "did you have a fight with Taylor? "

Elle nearly dropped the juice she was holding, she looked up at her father with surprised eyes then her eyes dropped as she poured out the juice.

"How'd you know ?"Elle asked, her head suddenly throbbed harder as she remembered their conversation.

"She seemed mad when she left this morning, and you didn't whine about..." He subtly gestured to the nest on her head.

Elle puffed up her cheeks, and blew it out moving a stand of hair from her face.

"Thanks dad" Elle said sarcastically, but Brad just smiled cheekily and got back to dishing out the pancakes.

"How's mom?" Elle asked, cautiously, the smile slid off Brad's face." That's what I thought"

Brad sighed as he pushed a plate of pancakes her way, "the doctor says that the chemotherapy is working fine, so I'm pretty sure, she'll be home soon" He smiled a quick smile at Elle, but other than that he avoided her eyes.

"And you can finally finalize your divorce," Elle stated matter-of-factly, Brad frowned.

"We all know your mother and I don't get along to well latel.."

"Or is it because the media describes her as a classless woman, and you're constantly embarrassed by her in public..." Elle said smiling sweetly at her father who seemed tensed but didn't deny her allegations.

"Let's go with the first one," Elle said as she pushed back her untouched plate, "I lost my appetite" Elle smiled and stood up.

Luckily to save them from the awkwardness, Carmichael came in, even though the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife, Carmichael seemed totally indifferent to it all.

"Sir, the man you invited is here" he put a strong stress on man and it made Elle worry.

"Oh great lead him to the patio" Brad said cheerfully, as he grabbed some files from the counter.

"Dad whose here?" Elle asked.

"Well since the bodyguards can't be seen with you all the time to not draw too much attention to yourself and after what happened yesterday, I decided to get you an escort" Brad said and started to make his way to the patio, Elle following behind.

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