Chapter 42_Let's say see you soon

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We are so close to the finale, just one or two chapters remaining and I just want to get this out so I can get started on the new one.

Song: Satisfied by Sia, Miguel and Queen Latifah (main song)

P.s I just adore this song, it like, fits the concept of my book.

I toast to the groom( to the groom 2×)
To the bride (to the bride 2×)
From your sister, Angelica 3×
Who is always by your side,
To your union and the hope that you provide,
May you always (always) be satisfied..
I remember that night, I just might 3×
I remember that night I just might regret that night for the rest of my days,
I remember those soldier boys tripping over themselves to win our praise,
I remember that dream like candle light like a dream that you can't quite place,
But Alexander... I'll never forget the first time I saw your face,
I have never been the same,
Intelligent eyes in hunger pang frames,
And when you said hi, I forgot my dang name,
Set my heart aflame, every part aflame, this is not a game.
You strike me as a woman who's never been satisfied.
I swear I don't know what you mean you forget yourself.
You're like me, I've never been satisfied.
Is that right?
I've never been satisfied.
My name's Angelica Schylur.
Alexander Hamilton.
Where's your family from?
Unimportant, there's a million things I haven't done, just you wait,
[Queen Latifah]
The conversation lasted two minutes, maybe three minutes,
Everything we said in total agreement,
And it's a bit of a dream and it's a bit of a dance,
A bit of a posture, a bit of a stance,
He's a bit of a flirt but I'mma give him a chance,
I asked about his family, did you see his answer?
His hands started fidgeting, he looked askance,
He's penniless, he's flying by the seat of his pants,
Handsome, boy does he know it, peach fuzz and he can't even grow it,
I wanna take him far away from this place but I turn to see my sister's face and she is helpless and her eyes are just helpless..
I'm a girl in a world in which my only job is to marry rich,
My father has no sons so I'm the one who has to social climb for one,
Cause I'm the oldest and the wittiest and the gossip in New York city is, insidious,
And Alexander is penniless ha! That doesn't mean I want him any less...
He's after me cause I'm a schylur sister and that elevates his status,
I have to be naïve to set that aside,
Maybe that is why,
I introduce him to Eliza now that's his bride,
Nice going Angelica, he was right you'll never be satisfied.
I know my sister like I know my own mind,
You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind,
If I tell her that I love him, she'll be silently resigned,
He'll be mine, she'll say I'm fine but she'd be lying,
When I fantasize at night, it's Alexander's eyes,
Cause I romanticize what might have been if I hadn't,
Sized him up so quickly, at least my dear Eliza's his wife,
At least I keep his eyes on my life ...
She'll be happy as his wife and I know I will never be satisfied, he will never be satisfied.

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