Chapter 41_Uncovering skeletons instead

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Heyo, we have come so far and I want to say this has been..nah I'll wait till the end to give my heartfelt speech but I do want to remind you about my new fantasy book and of course they'll be romance😙😏, it's a trilogy.

Song: Demons by Imagine Dragons.

When the days are cold and the cards all fold,
And the saints we see are all made of gold,
When your dreams all fail
And the ones we hail are the worst of all,
And the blood's run stale.
I wanna hide the truth,
I wanna shelter you,
But with the beast inside,
There's nowhere we can hide,
No matter what we breed,
We still are made of greed,
This is my kingdom come
Look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide 2×
Don't get too close, it's dark inside, it's where my demons hide
When the burdens call, is the last of all,
When the lights fade out and the sinners crawl,
So they dug your grave and the masquerade will come calling out and the mess you've made.

Alex nervously tapped away at the steering wheel, he was getting annoyed at the speed of the traffic ahead which was a mile per hour, he hit his steering wheel as the car in front slowed down again and stopped causing the other cars behind to stop as well.

"Dude calm down, Aj isn't going to hurt her till Brad's there, we can still get to shawty in time, chill" Kayden spoke from the backseat.

"How can I relax knowing what that deranged maniac can do, I swear if he lays a finger on her, I'm gonna..." He was interrupted by Kayden.

"Woah woah woah woah" he rushed, "careful with the language Alex, we have younger readers at home"

Alex looked at him like he was crazy and then turned back to the road, groaned as the cars stopped moving again.

He turned to Ethan, "anything?" Ethan looked up from his phone.

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