Chapter 31_The end?

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Hello people of earth, I have drawn inspirations from my favourite writers and now it's time to create.*inserts evil laughter*

Song: I don't wanna go by Alan Walker.

"Mr Williams, I would like you to meet my daughter Elle" Brad grinned proudly.

A stout man turned to smile at Elle, he looked like he was in his late 50s or so, his thick black hair was speckled with gray.

"Ah, so you are Stark industries future CEO, it's a pleasure to meet you" he shook Elle's hands.

"The pleasure is all mine" Elle smiled.

"Mr Everleigh, not only is your daughter very pretty but she is also well mannered" a lady with an off tune voice that kinda sounded like a dying squawk, said.

She had that unimpressed, sarcastic look on her face like she had seen better but was just trying to be polite, Elle couldn't help but narrow her eyes at her.

"But I hope she's not too mannered?" She quickly added with a light chuckle and stared deeply at Elle, "because in this business you have to be ruthless.."

"And unforgiving" she ended darkly.

Alex tensed up beside her, he inhaled deeply and quickly shut his eyes, his face twisted in discomfort and then he opened his eyes and masked the discomfort with a neutral expression.

'What was that all about?' Elle wondered but she quickly waved it off.

"I assure you Esmeralda, Elle is not as delicate as she seems" Brad spoke up.

"Good because the elections are coming up and I heard you are running again this year, is that true Brad?" Esmeralda asked.

"Yes actually" Brad cleared his throat, "I am"

"Last two years, you didn't win and four years ago the election was cancelled due to the other participants mysteriously..." Mr Williams paused briefly, his eyes trained on Brad, "dying"

Elle's breath hitched in her throat, that year was awful for them especially for her dad everyone suspected Brad since he was the only of the four participants that weren't attacked but to be honest, he wasn't the only one people suspected.

Elle couldn't remember his name exactly but she did know that the man was attacked but only his wife was killed, he hid it from the media which was why people got suspicious when they found out but really, who wouldn't be?

Why would he hide his wife's murder if there was really nothing to hide? That was the question on everyone's mind.

Brad tensed up and glared at Mr Williams briefly before he sighed, "please do not bring up that year, it was terribly traumatizing to know that if the killer wasn't apprehended on time, I and my family could have been long dead" Brad said solemnly.

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