Chapter 12_She shoots,she scores

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This is the original chapter title,it was originally a combination of chapter 11 and chapter 12, but I divided it and made chapter 11 longer,

Song: don't play by Halsey.

Alex walked over to Elle and Tristan, Elle had her head down, so she didn't see him,

In a matter of seconds he was by the side of Elle and Tristan, Elle was backing him

His cute face broke into a grin, Alex smiled back, how could he not when Tristan was an embodiment of cuteness,

"Alex" Tristan giggles, throwing his hands up in pure excitement,

Elle turned to Alex and Alex sharply inhaled, her beautiful brown eyes stared up at him, not with contempt, not with indifference but with something warmer,

Alex smiled and Elle quickly turned away, Alex's smile widened, bingo,

He sat down next to Tristan who was in between him and Elle,

"Hey buddy, what were you and Ellie talking about?" Alex asked softly,

"Ellie just asked me if I liked it here?" Tristan said, swinging his legs,

Alex looked over at Elle, she looked away, avoiding his gaze, he turned to Tristan,

"So what did you say?" Alex asked wearily,

Tristan shrugged,"I don't know, I have granny and Christy, so I guess I like it here"

Alex and Elle both looked at each other, their expressions mirrored their shock,

"Um.. Tristan do you call your mom by her name?" Elle asked trying to mask her shock,

"Yeah, she doesn't like it when we call her mommy" Tristan shrugged,

Elle scoffed looking away, she already didn't like Christy and now she had more reasons not to like her,

Alex decided it will be best if he lightens the mood by changing the subject,

"Well what do you do here when you want to have fun?" He asked,

Tristan was silent for a while,"well, Philip and I mostly play with his ball, and I have some toys to play with"

Suddenly he grabbed Elle's arm, bouncing on his spot on the bench,

"Ellie, do you want to see my toys?" He asked his big green eyes glittering,

"Sure, why don't you bring it out here" Elle suggested,

Tristan ran back to the house, Alex sat back, watching Philip kick his ball around,

There was this dampening silence between the both of them,
They didn't say anything for a while,

Then Alex sighed,"no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to shake off this gnawing feeling, that this place isn't safe for this kids"

Elle just stared ahead, then she turned red, her fist clenched,

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