Chapter 19_Drama...

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I told my a friend about how I want the book to go and she said it sounded great but she hated some parts that shall not be named, that made me realise that there's gonna be a lot of people who's not gonna be a fan of the ending but I want the people who like the idea to be more than the those who don't,

Song: Hey Hey Hey by Katy Perry,

Elle walked back to the living room, a fresh new plate of buttered popcorn in her arms,

She grabbed a can of soda from the fridge, shutting the door shut with her foot,

She welcomed the light laughter that came from the living room and could be heard from the hall,

She walked in on Kayden standing in front of everyone, with his cheek puffed up and moving his arms in a swimming motion,

They were playing charade and so far Kayden was winning mostly because he did the most ridiculous things,

"Swimming!" Alex said,

Kayden shook his head and repeated the action, leaning his upper body downwards with one leg up in the air,

"A diver?" Taylor answered unsure of her answer,

Kayden shook his head once again, repeating the demonstration,

"A fish" Ethan tried,

Kayden again shook his head, getting frustrated because no one was getting it right,

Elle smiled briefly, she loved the fact that her brother fit in nicely with the other guys, she feared they might get into some macho fight for dominance and be rude to each other but so far so good no one attacked anybody,

"A Puff fish" Blake said with a neutral expression,

Kayden groaned and straightened, he rolled his eyes at them, Blake in particular,

"Really! did none of you learn anything in kindergarten?!" Kayden sighed, clearly exasperated.

Alex rolled his eyes, "fine, tell us then what is it?"

"It's pretty obvious even a baby could figure it out" Kayden mocked,

"Okay Einstein, do tell what you where trying to say?" Blake remarked sarcastically,

Kayden smiled a smug smile,"it was simply..." He paused for dramatic effect,

Everyone but Blake stared at him in anticipation,

"It's something stupid, I can feel it in my bones" Blake muttered, making sure everyone heard him,

I call her KARMA (completed)Where stories live. Discover now