Chapter 1_Blah,Blah and more Blah

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Hey,Everyone, here's the first chapter, It might be cringe worthy, but pay little attention to the cringe. Love and kisses.

Song: Castle by Halsey.

SLAM!! My room door burst open , I groaned and pulled my pillow over my head,

"Taylor! Taylor!" My best friend of six years yelled, shaking me awake, I pulled the pillow off my head, and stared at Elle with tired eyes.

"Elle," I whined. "It's five in the morning, who let you into my house"

"Your mom, instructed your butler to open the door for me ,she loves me remember..." Elle drawled sitting beside me.

Of course, everyone loved Elle,

Isabelle Rose Everleigh, second heir to the Everleigh fortune, spoilt, vile and deceitful. Elle is the golden girl at river high school, a 17 year old senior with perfect brown hair and beautiful large brown eyes, Elle rules our school, she's our queen bee, and It's not hard to see why.
I snapped out of my sleep induced trance to find Elle blabbing about something that probably wasn't worth my sleep, summer vacation just started and I have to make up for those times I missed my beauty sleep.

"What did Jake do now?" I said with less enthusiasm than she probably was expecting, but it wasn't my fault that their on and off relationship was the constant cause of my sleep deprived mornings, and as weird as it was, everyone was used to Elle's late night panic visit to my house.

"OK, first off, This is not about Jake, why would you even think that?" Maybe the hundred times you snuck into my room at night because he didn't reply to your texts,

"Secondly, this is way more serious, so listen up" Elle demanded in her usual nasally voice, it sounded like someone drilling a hole into my skull.

I reluctantly sat up,"OK, go ahead, God knows I don't need sleep" I said sarcastically.

Elle studied me for a while, before waving it off, I let out a breath, in as much as Elle was obnoxious, she was also in observant.

"WE ARE MOVING!!!"Elle screamed, my eyes widened.

"Why?!"I asked panicking.

"You know how dad doesn't want the public to know mom is sick, well he decided to move mom to a rural, hidden area or something like that and in OHIO," Elle exclaimed again, I winced, wow her voice was loud.

"we'll have to live in a six bedroom house, and with few servants, this.." Elle said, gesturing to herself,

"Needs more than two servants to work, this is bad and I'll have to make friends with lower class people, and they'll be no designer clothes..."

Blah,Blah and more Blah I sighed.

"Do you want me to come with you to this savage land filled with primitive people? I asked, sarcasm dripping off every word.

Elle spun around in the most dramatic way possible, seriously this is not a Disney commercial, I mentally rolled my eyes,

"Seriously, you would do that for me?"

Of course, if I don't Elle would hate me, how do I know, 7th grade, Elle signed up for a fashion designing class, I wanted to take the woodwork class, let's just say I was ignored for a month, that's right a whole freaking month.

This is going to be a long summer.


I arrived at Elle's unnecessarily large mansion, and its marble walls, with my bags as my mom waved at me from the back of the limousine.

"Have fun sweetheart" my mom yelled as the limousine sped off.

Great, just great, when I told my mom that I was going to spend the summer vacation at Elle's summer retreat home, she didn't even bat an eye, when she said..

"That's great honey, you can bond more with Elle" she didn't even look up from the vogue magazine she was reading.

My mouth hung open, as I stared at my mom,she can not be serious, she was ready to sell me off for a few weeks of freedom, great.

The butler, opened the door curtly and regarded me with an I'd rather be anywhere but here look.

I don't wanna be here either Bob

"Is Elle in?" I asked in a polite voice that portrayed the opposite of what I had in mind.#burnitdown.

Suddenly Bob was pushed to the side roughly, and the only person obnoxious enough to do that was ELLE.

"TayTay," Elle squealed, and I actually smiled at how cute her crazy eyes looked sometimes.

"Good thing you're here, I have 10 outfits laid out, I need your help, come on"

And I was roughly dragged in, and since Elle's dresses were more important, there was no stopping her, her dad Brad Everleigh stepped out, looking modest and handsome even in old age, he's blue eyes held a portion of sadness which I assumed was for his wife.

"Hey, Mr Everleigh...Bye Mr  Everleigh" I quickly got out.

Let's just say we got to Elle's room in less than 2 minutes, Elle didn't let me breathe without throwing clothes at me.

We spent half an hour picking the dress for Elle, soon the butlers started loading the trunks with our bags. Elle's dad was going to pick up her mom from the hospital, then we'll head to the airport and then it's off to Ohio.


And that's a wrap for the first chapter, sorry it's too short but Taylor's POV might reveal some secrets meant for the later chapters.

Just a show of hands, how many people hate Elle😊.

I call her KARMA (completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن