Chapter 13_..Bruises and Star wars

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Here is chapter 13, originally chapter 12 but ehh.

Song: lost control by Alan Walker.

Taylor woke up to another splitting headache, another consequence of crying herself to sleep, she groaned and sat up,

She pulled the sheets back, she tried to get off the bed but her stupid foot got tangled in the sheets, she stumbled to the floor with only her leg on the bed, the rest of her body was on the floor,

She cursed as she tried to untangle herself, luckily she was free,

She made her way over to her vanity, she looked in the mirror, taking in her look,

She looked pale, her eyes looked tired and had huge eye bags under them, her hair looked like a bird nest_ and she was dresses in a loose T-shirt and sweatpants,

Her head suddenly started hurting when she realised how pathetic she was being, not to mention how pathetic she looked, just one of the disadvantages of crying yourself to sleep,

She pulled her hair into a pony tail, she made her way out of her room and into the living room,

On the couch, was a very awake Blake, he was shirtless with only a pair of sweatpants on,

Taylor turned red, she inwardly groaned, Blake had found her at the hotel and had convinced her to stay with him instead,

Luckily he had stopped her from doing something stupid, she winced when she remembered what she was so close to doing and the reason why,

Blake abruptly sat up, he stared at Taylor like she was some vulnerable piece of glass,

It made Taylor's blood boil,"will you stop looking at me like that"

She knew she would feel guilty for snapping at him later on but for now, she could care less, just because he knew something embarrassing about her didn't mean he could treat her like some delicate specimen,

Blake scowled,"it's my job to keep you safe, so yes I do have to keep an eye on you"

"I don't need help, I'm fine" Taylor stated,

"That's not what the bruises on your arms say" Blake said,

The look of hurt and shock that crossed Taylor's face, was enough to alert Blake that he just crossed a line,

"That was insensitive, I'm sorry" he apologized rubbing the bridge of his nose,

Taylor gave a small nod, wrapped her arms around herself and stalked off to the kitchen,

Blake ran his fingers through his hair and cursed himself for being so blunt, he had to remind himself of how delicate she was at the moment,

Taylor rushed into the kitchen as the first tear dropped, she couldn't blame Blake, she was being too irrational,

Her feelings for Alex was nothing more than a mere crush, nothing more so why was she so caught up on it, she quickly wiped her tears

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