Chapter 26_Surprise visitors

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Heyo heyo good people of earth, how are you doing, so let's get into this chapter and remember vote and tell me what you think, also stay safe😷

Song: What about us by Pink.

The next morning was eventful, the preparations for Elle's birthday party was on the way and the house was constantly over run with event planners and the day was stressful for Elle because she was constantly being asked annoying questions like what her favourite colour was and what flavour of cake did she prefer and on multiple occasions none of her options were picked, for example her favourite colour was green but her dad felt it wasn't girly enough so now its a pink themed party.

Elle was bombarded with a lot of questions and she barely had enough time for herself, to make things worse, it was a Monday so Alex had to be there.

He had to be around her whenever she had to talk to an event planner, he was oddly silent and had a poker face through out his time with her,

Blake and Kayden were there and since Blake was mostly around Taylor, Kayden decided to keep himself busy by flirting with Ethan.

Right now Elle was talking with one of the event planners, she was in charge of the flowers and wanted to know Elle's favourite, she was currently showing Elle a couple of flowers.

"I really like Marigolds" Elle said studying a Marigold,

"Really? Why?" The last asked.

"I don't know they're complex and pretty and they overshadow everyone" Elle smiled, "like me" she added with a grin.

"Okay if these are what you want, I'll have a talk with the decorators" the lady begun to pack up the remaining flower samples.

At that moment Brad came in, he smiled at the lady in greeting, he turned to Elle,

"Sweetheart have you made a choice?" He asked,

"She chose the marigolds they are very pretty and.."

Brad's smile fell off, he looked at the marigold with disdain and then at Elle,

"But I thought since it was a pink theme we could have roses instead" Brad suggested warmly but his eyes had a hard glint in it.

Alex frowned, "Mr Everleigh, if Elle wants to use the marigolds for her party then let her" Alex ground out, his hard eyes on Brad.

"It's her decision" Alex finished, Brad stared at him with a semblance of a glare and a warning in his eyes,

Elle placed a hand on Alex's upper arm, Brad's eyes zeroed in on that action.

"Actually on second thought I'll take the rose, its way prettier anyway" Elle shrugged with a small smile,

Brad grinned victoriously, "yeah and just like you, it's simple and bright"

"Elle is anything but simple" Alex cut in, his hard eyes fixed on Brad who narrowed his eyes at Alex suspiciously.

"Dad how about you go on, I'll finish up here and meet you downstairs"

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