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It was sweltering hot. The air was heavy and she could see the heat raising in waves off the sand on the beach. She stood staring at the ocean. It really was beautiful; the blue water, the crashing waves, the foam of the surf rolling onto the sand, the odd seashell here and there. She loved the ocean! If only she could spend her whole life living on this beautiful island!

     However, she was only here for three days for her best friend's wedding. Well, Gracie was more of a sister than a best friend. She would do anything for her, they were each other's person. Gracie was the first person she always called when she needed a shoulder to cry on and god only knows how often that has been in the past two years.

     Undeniably her life was taking a turn for the better, new apartment, new job, new goals, even a new Hairstyle. But there were still nights when she felt as if things were just as bad as before. And before the anxiety attacks started and she couldn't breathe, she could always count on Gracie to talk her out of it. This was why she had dropped everything and followed her friend to Hawaii to celebrate her spur of the moment destination wedding. And besides, it was like having your cake and eating it too, a vacation and wedding all rolled into one.

     She needed this, this serenity, this peacefulness. Life was too hectic and it's nice to unwind, breathe and not worry about what direction her life was heading in. She took one last longing look at the ocean and then headed off to meet the others and begin the wedding festivities.

 She took one last longing look at the ocean and then headed off to meet the others and begin the wedding festivities

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💕Lots of LOVE.💕

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