Book III-Chapter 112, For My Homies, Happy New Year

Start from the beginning

Bella's POV

The costume changes had gone flawlessly as had the first 4 songs. The girls had danced their hearts out. Carlos had thought the applause after Bella's Eyes was never going to stop. Prince had introduced the girls to the crowd and their whistles, clapping and shouting of appreciation from the audience had been both exceptional and exciting. Chicago loved Bella and Elaine! They moved right into The Ladder and then right into Holy River. The Audience was on its feet waving their arms in the air and truly enjoying themselves. Prince then cued Living for the Music. The band played like they were on fire and when Prince said "where da drums", Carlos launched into his solo like a crazed man. He played those drums and took the audience on a trip with him. They shouted and clapped as he played and jumped and twirled as he threw his sticks in the air. When he was done, Prince said "give it up for the greatest drummer in the world". The audience shouted and clapped and honored Carlos like the home boy that he was. Then Prince cued Another Lover...and it was on!

He sang and danced and the band was on it! The girls sang harmony and the entire band just had fun! Their joy was contagious and the audience really got into the party.

As the song ended, Prince went to the front center mike and said "Helloooooo Chicago! The band and I are really glad to be home to bring in the New Year with you"! The crowd cheered and clapped and whistled. " I want you to meet my band". He introduced each band member and made certain to say that all in the band were from Chicago which got a standing ovation from the audience. He then focused on Bella and Elaine saying that while they were not from Chicago, that they were from his second home, Detroit, Michigan, which got a another standing ovation and added and I am Royal, also known as the Royal Prince. Screams and shouts of Royal, Royal began.

"Can we slow this down a little bit for a minute", Prince asked? The band was listening intensively. He was going off script again. He gave the cue for The Question of U, the girls moved off stage to stage left, the band smiled and the crowd roared! Prince, still dressed in his Purple costume had removed his jacket and opened his shirt and looked sexy as hell! He was about to take his hometown to musical heaven! He moved to the Piano and played the intro chords and began to sing...As he climbed up onto the piano and began the wailing guitar solo, women in the audience began to scream and several ran to the foot of the stage! Security let them but both Prince's and the venue's security was prepared to control whatever they might need to.

He jumped off of the piano and began to dance. More screaming started and several woman tried to climb up onto the stage. They were stopped by security and Prince, finishing his dance moves, walked off of the stage as the band played a reprise of the song. Perfectly timed, the curtain came down as the band members left one by one...Sidney played the last bar and the lights went to black and the curtain hit the floor. The costumer retrieved Prince's jacket and tie from the floor of the stage and took it to the dressing room. The chanting started...Royal, Royal, Royal. The band and the 4 were downstairs in their dressing rooms re-hydrating, using the facilities and flying high on adrenaline. After about 20 minutes they returned to the stage. The chanting had never stopped. As the houselights went back down and the curtain and stage lights came up, Prince gave the cue for Baby I'm A Star and the party began again. The entire audience was on its feet. Prince brought the song to a stop with a "Wait A Minute" and then said "is there anybody out there who wants to dance with me"? He walked to the very front of the stage as the audience yelled and raised their hands in an effort to be selected and chose his mom and dad, Torrey and Derrick, Carlos' mom and dad and Greg and Maria Elena. He also picked a couple that was dancing in the aisle and 4 ladies that were dancing down near the front. On the one he said and the song started again. Prince had a ball, he danced, sang and then he played the guitar solo. People were dancing in the aisles and at their seats and singing along with the music. Prince danced and sang and screamed and danced some more then ended the song on the one! He took the band directly into Cool Breeze. Bella and Elaine on the hidden mikes along with Carlos, added amazing harmony to the upbeat ballad. He ended the song on the one and then asked from the center mike," Chicago, are you having a good time"? Screams of yeah, yes and whistles and clapping could be heard. "Are you ready for some more"? More screams and clapping...turning toward the back of the stage he said...ya'll ain't ready...ya'll can't handle no more and looking back at the audience strutted toward stage rear. Security saw his folks and the other dancers back to their seats as the audience started to chant. We want more, we want more, the audience screamed. Prince gave the cue for Screams of Passion...and the band played and he sang and the harmony by Bella and Elaine was gorgeous! As the song ended, Prince said, "I have a real treat for you". He walked stage left to the hidden mikes and taking Bella and Elaine by the hand he walked them out to the mikes that were on either side of his own center mike. Placing each of the girls in front of one of them, he gave the cue for Future Soul Song.

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