Raphael's party

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Magnus's pov

"Alexander can you leave? This is a conversation I need to have with my dad, by myself." I spoke after a while, I knew I shouldn't depend on Alec, this was something that I should do by myself.

"I understand" Alec replied and got his clothes and changed into them before leaving he came towards me and said "You can do this Magnus, I trust you" he said before leaving the room, obviously not before shooting a death glare at his dad.

A few days later,

Alec's pov

It's been a few days since the whole incident with Magnus's dad and Magnus has not spoken to me since, I've tried everything, I tried calling him, texting him but no response. I honestly worried about him. I haven't been in a great place either, in fact I've been a wreck. I haven't left my room in days, right now all I'm worried is about Magnus and the conversation he would've had with his father. I tried my best to be there for him, but he realised that it was something that he had to do on his own. I honestly wish he would have stood up for himself. Catrina texted me yesterday and told me she had something to say, which I was pretty sure that it was about Magnus. Right now I'm on my way to her house. A few minutes later I reached her place and she was waiting outside her house.

"Heyy Cat! It's so good to see you." I said as I went to her and gave a small hug.

"You too Alec- oh my god! What happened to you?" she exclaimed as she parted

"I know I know, but that's not important." I shrugged it off, "What did you want to talk about?"

"Yeah about that...why don't we go inside first." she said and we went inside her house, I think she was home alone because I couldn't really see anyone else

"Where is everybody else?" I asked

"They've gone to the theatre, I didn't really want to so I stayed. Anyways the reason I called was because of-"

"-Magnus" I Interrupted

"Yeah" she replied

"Did you hear from him? Did things go okay with his dad? Did he say anything about me?" I asked her worried

"Alec, he didn't say much, all he did was send me this text" she said as she passed me her phone.

Magnus<3: Cat, things are not okay man. Dad found out about Alec and I don't know what to do, if you can just check up on Alec, I want to know if he's okay.

"That's it?" I asked her after reading the text

"Yeah Alec, he only sent me this and at this point I'm not sure if it's a good idea for you to go talk to him."

"I tried everything Cat, I tried texting, calling, I even tried going to his house,but I didn't want things to get worse" I tried my best not to cry as I explained to her.

"Alec I know you're hurting but I honestly don't know what to say, because even I am not sure how things are going to go. But I can suggest one thing. If your free you can attend Raphael's party tomorrow" she said

"Does it look like I'm in the mood for partying?" I snapped at her

"No Alec! Raphael is only inviting his inner circle so it's only going to be around 5 or 6 people and Magnus is invited as well."

"Oh" I replied

"But it's only his inner circle and I haven't been invited. Are you sure it's a good idea."

"Do you want to meet magnus or not?" she replied annoyed.

"Yeah yeah" I replied

"I just texted raphael and he's okay with it....but just you." She said with a pause

"Cool." I replied

"I better leave, I promised Izzy and Jace that i'll have lunch with them." I said her turned to leave

"Also Cat, thank you so much for doing this." I told her before leaving

"Anything for Magnus" she replied


hope y'all like this one:) make suree to vote and comment



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