First day

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Heyy!!! so this is my first fanfic..or first time writing for that matter..there might be a lot of mistakes i'll try my best correcting them but anyways enjoyy!!! hope ya'll like it.


Alec's pov

it was the first day of school!! ugh-not this again!! I already miss my vacation. Whatever I  get off my bed and make my way to get ready for school I was going to high school which according to my parents means increased responsibility. I take my shower and get dressed- nothing great just my usual black sweater and black skinny jeans-yea I love black it just suits with my know the out cast, always in the shadows of their most popular siblings and all that. now I look at the mirror my blue eyes look bluer than ever and my hair messier then ever, I try my best to arrange them neatly but *sighs* I give up eventually.

I leave my room and go down stairs to get my breakfast.

"heyy mother! good morning!" I said with a large grin on my face because it's rare that my mom makes our breakfast because she usually stays up working late and wakes up late.

"morning darling!! I've made bacon and eggs for breakfast! also i wanted to tell you this when you were alone so since you've come to high school now its your duty to take care of your siblings ok? especially Max." she said with a little serious tone although she was smiling.

"I know mom and trust me i can take care of them". I said her reassuringly because I knew that I had to be there for them because both my mom and dad work late and won't be there at home half the time.

"ok mom it's getting late I better leave byee". i said and gave a small kiss on her cheek and left to school. Jace and Izzy are both 2 years younger than me which means for them school does not start until next week the same goes for Max.

I reach my school and i reach my locker to keep all my stuff and I go check my classes for the day, it took me a while to find my class because it was in a new block in school, I finally found my class and found and empty seat. Just then i saw Maia entering the class, she's been my friend for years, she walked up to me grinning and gave me a quick hug and settled herself beside me.

"Dude did you that magnus guy is rejoining our school??" she asked me

" and i don't care." I replied. which was a lie. No-no not him why should he come back again ohh god this is going to be hell of a year!!!

"whatever, people are saying that now he looks so much hotter than ever, honestly I can't wait to meet him" she said with an excited voice.

"ohh i see.." I replied trying to make myself sound really uninterested. hotter than ever? shit I want to see him!! ...speaking of the devil..

Magnus walked in with his hair gelled up with a little bit of glitter, wearing a purple shirt with a low V-neck paired with a tight-really tight leather pants and black studded boots with a little bit of eye liner to top it off. 'he looks so freaking hot he's changed so much!!, ok alec calm down-breath' just don't look at him.'

He walked in while the whole class just stared at him he was walking closer to my place and just then our gazes locked I looked into his amber eyes, just for a second but he tore it away immediately and sat right in front of me pretending not even to have noticed me. to be honest it hurt a little but I technically shouldn't care so yahh..

the class started, it began by people giving small introductions about themselves and I went first "I'm Alec that's pretty much it." I said, the teacher looked a little disappointed because I didn't say anything about me but she just carried on. Then it was magnus's turn he got up and introduced himself "I'm Magnus bane, i have rejoined this year, I also love glitter, music and dance." OHHH MY GOD his voice is just so beautiful, it has obviously changed but it's so damn beautiful I could listen to them all day!!...."

Mr.Lightwood! MR.LIGHTWOOD!! my teacher yelled. which broke me out of my thoughts. "yess?" I replied. "may I know what you were thinking about that too first thing in the morning without paying attention to the class?""'m sorry Ms.Lovelace it won't happen again." "it better not" she replied and turned her attention back to class..since it was math I really didn't have the mood to listen to it- at least not after I saw Magnus..oh crap! how am I going to survive this year?!.."

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