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The bois as sub-reddits:

Nightmare: r/MurderedByWords

Killer: r/WatchPeopleDieInside

Cross: r/Memes

Dust: r/DankMemes

Horror: r/NoahGetTheBoat

Error: r/SoftwareGore

Ink: r/PreyingMantis (just because)

Dream: r/WholesomeMemes

Blue: r/Aww

Geno: r/RareInsults

Reaper: r/Tumblr

--Here are some examples of this phenomenon--

1) Nightmare; Murdered by words.

Killer kicks down Nightmare's door. Nightmare is busy reading and ignores him. Killer shouts;

"I've got a dick and a knife and one of them is going inside you, bitch!"

Nightmare looks up at him blankly. "I'd rather have the knife, so I'd actually feel it."


2) Killer; Watch people die inside.

Killer sits outside on a windy day, waiting for Cross. Cross comes outside holding a plate with a sandwich on it. The wind promptly blows the entire sandwich to the ground as Killer laughs and Cross solemnly looks at the sandwich pieces.


3) Cross; Memes.

Cross, laying on the couch with Dust and Horror playing Chess in the background;

"Guys, did you know that Hitler's favorite alligator died at the Moscow Zoo at age 84?" Cross says randomly.

Dust looks up at him. "Really?"

Horror shrugs. "I bet they'll clone it."

Cross sits up and squints at Horror, confused, "The alligator or Hitler?"


4) Dust; Dank memes.

Dust dancing funkily on the coffee table for some reason. Dream walks into the room.

"Dust, what are you doing..."

"I'm dancing. I put poison in my bloodstream so that all the mosquitoes that bite me will die. Take that, mosquitoes!"

"Dust nO-"


5) Horror; Noah, get the boat.

He once sent this to the group chat.

Chaos ensued

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Chaos ensued.


6) Error; Software gore.

Error, trying to hack past a government firewall because he's bored and can't sleep;

"Is it just me or is the screen progressively getting a more neon shade of blue..."

Ink, with motherly concern, "Error the screen is black and white..."

"... I think I'm crashing--"


7) Ink; Preying mantis. (Out-creeping the creeps.)

Ink, getting hit on by some random monster/human;

"Hey bb wan som head?"

"Why would I want a head? I already have one. I'm more concerned that you have random heads laying around." Ink says blankly.

"What- no, I mean- uh- do you want your dick sucked-"

"Excuse me, my dick doesn't suck, it doesn't even have a mouth. That would be concerning. Why, does your dick have a mouth? If so, Jesus man, go see a doctor, like damn."


8) Dream; Wholesome memes.

Dream, happily crying on the floor. Blue looks down at him and asks him what the problem is.

"There's no problem," Dream sniffs, "I just found out that Tom and Jerry are best friends and Tom has to act like he hates him or his owner will get a cat that actually wants to kill Tom-- that's the purest kind of friendship I've ever heard of--"


9) Blue; Aww!

Blue, casually sitting on the couch with like seven dogs and cats sitting on him. Dust walks into the room and stares at him, confused as fuck. Blue looks up at him.

"Hi Dusty! I found these. They are now my children."

"How are they so calm... all the animals I try to pet run away."

"I dunno, I guess I'm just a soft bean that the animals love. I love them back."


10) Geno; Rare insults.

Geno, annoyed because Reaper won't stop harassing him,

"Okay, cunt muffin, let me be honest; you look like the way mayonnaise smells, and I hope that if we do one day have children that it is a centipede and you will have to slave away every day of your life to buy shoes for it."

Reaper, impressed; "Wow, haven't heard that one before."


11) Reaper; Tumblr.

Reaper, angry at someone on the internet for being mean to a dog.

"You think anonymity will keep you safe but when our paths cross you will meet my blade you mother of fucking."

Geno, from the other room, "What the hell are you talking about?"

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