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Lust, curious, "Name three ways to ruin a first date."

Dust, looking up, "D- Um- Shitting my pants."

"Saying 'I love you.'" Ink says, blankly.

Nightmare, from across the room; "Killing them!"

Everyone falls silent.

"Did this happen-"


"Hi Nightmare! How are you!"

"Oh hi Dream. Good, haven't slept in a solid 83 Hours, but yeah, I'm good.

"Uh- you should probably go to slee-"

"I can't go to sleep."


Horror, tiredly; "Please, just come to bed."

Lust, organizing his socks, "Nah, I got some things going on right now."

Horror sighs. "... I've got Lavender..."

Lust looks up, excited. "Shut, Up... really?"

"And a white noise machine..."

"Bitch, you know rain is my jam!"

"And some sleepy-time tea..."

"WHAT-y time tea?!"

"Get in here big boy."

"Yes sir~"


"Stop it-"

Ink tries to push Nightmare into Dream.


Nightmare proceeds to slap them both.


Killer, sitting in the car with Nightmare and 5yo Crescent outside a movie theater. He looks into the back seat at Crescent and says;

"Okay, I'm going to teach you a crucial lesson about candy and movie theaters. We do not buy the candy from the movie theater, we buy it beforehand. But, the theater doesn't like that, so we have to smuggle the candy in. So we have to hide it, so uh, yeah put those skittles in your shirt."

Crescent, confused, "So they won't see them?"

Killer, happily, "Yes! So the guy won't see them! So just put them under your shirt and we're gonna walk in, so act cool, 'Kay?"

Nightmare, proudly, "My son is only 5 years old and already learning how to smuggle. I'm so fucking proud, damn."


Horror, holding out some Fruit Loops for a raccoon in the middle of the night.


Cross, trying not to laugh, getting up and shouting down the air vent into Dust's room, knowing perfectly well that he's trying to fuck Blue;

"Did you take my hot-dog-water icecubes?! They're not in my mini fridge, you cunt muffin!"


Noah and Crescent, arguing while Encubix watches from the corner;

"I hate you so much!!" Noah shouts.

"I hate you too, bitch!" Crescent replies.

"Well, uh, you're adopted!"

"At least they wanted me!"

Encubix dies of laughter in the corner as Noah just stares at Crescent, not knowing how to respond.


Horror, purposefully not opening a plastic wrapper correctly to annoy Lust.


Nightmare, angry, "Oh my god, would you just-- ergh. ERROR!"

Error appears, sitting in the ceiling casually.

Nightmare, trying to maintain his composure; "Permission to use the N-Pass?"

"Permission granted."


Dream, trying to film a supportive video; "If you ever think to yourself that you aren't good enough, and that you'll never find a boyfriend or girlfriend, just remember that you're only single because-"

Nightmare, from the background, "You're fucking ugly."


Killer, crawling around a Chuck E. Cheese playground thing;

"Chuck E. Cheese, boii, who's child is u?"

Desire just stares at him, confused as to why there is a grown adult in this thing. Killer pushes them out of the way.

"Get outta here. SlIde, biTcHes!"


Dream, appearing with his "Bitch I will cuddle you so hard" shirt on;

"I heard someone was talking bad about them self. Never again."


Nightmare, holding a cup of coffee, "I haven't slept in a solid 87 hours now. I am living off of the last 16 cups of coffee I have had in the past two hours. I am blasting music so loud I think my skull is going to explode, which means, I am an insomniac."

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