ahahah, more memes. Yey.

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How the Sanses interact with their children:


Ink, looking over at Error, who is playing his music loudly. "Yes, this is my Jam."

Error turns music up because, based on what Ink said, he likes it. Ink glares at him suddenly.

"What, no- turn that song off-" A wild Paperjam appears. Ink points at him. "This is my Jam."


Ink kicks down the door of Gradient and PJ's room. "ITS TIME TO GO CATCH FIREFLIES. PJ IS ALREADY OUTSIDE LETS GO BOYS."

Gradient just kinda stares at him and Error sighs and closes the computer he was teaching Gradient to code on. "Might as well. He won't back down until we comply. We're being taken hostage."


Geno walks into the room and randomly throws a plate at Reaper. It hits him on the head and shatters. Reaper gives him a thumbs up and Geno leaves the room. Goth sighs and sips the coffee he made for himself as he questions his sanity. Shino screams from across the house, sprints out of Raven's room and trips in the hallway, smacking his face on the wooden floor. Goth yells from the couch;


Raven yells back;

"Ah, fuck! I should really get rid of these handcuffs."

Reaper T-poses in the corner. "Bondage."

Goth throws his coffee and screams; "I JUST WANT A DAMN NORMAL FAMILY-"


Desire sighs sadly and flops on the couch.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Lust asks, leaning over the back of the couch with a worried expression.

"My crush got asked out by someone else today and they said yes." Desire groans into the couch cushions.

Horror appears in the doorway as Lust comforts his son. Horror, pulling a sneaky, calls Lust's phone to get him out of the room. Lust apologizes, leaves, and Horror enters the room. He sits next to Desire and says blankly;

"I know an easy way to fix that." Desire looks up at his curiously. "Break their knees, gouge out their eyes, then tie them up and leave them in the forest for the wolves."


Nightmare, a bit confused, holding (newborn) Cresent. "I... Made this."

Killer facepalms. "Yes, that's what happens when you fuck, idiot." Nightmare stares at him with an expression that said 'oooooh... well fuck.'

Nightmare grimaces. "Well shit. I don't want any more of these... 'children'"

Killer scoffs. "Oh c'mon. You were a kid once, they aren't that bad."

Nightmare stares at him blankly. "I actually never had a childhood. I was created as a 15-ish year-old who was bullied his entire life. You need to factcheck your statements if we're going to have this kid."

"Oh, fuck."

"Shit, it's crying-"


"Always remember; never give up on your dreams!" Blue happily tells Sprinkle and Fury, who are going to sleep. Fury smiles.

"I want to be a serial killer like dad!" He says manically. Blue laughs nervously.

"Maybe not that-"

"Let's get to work, Fury." Dust appears in the doorway. "I'll show you the ropes. Sleep is for the weak."

"Woohoo! Dad's gonna teach us how to be murders!" Sprinkle says, jumping out of bed and following Fury and Dust. Blue sighs and just gives up on trying to get them to sleep.


Dream, holding out Le smol purple flamey ball boi, "Cross this is our child."

Cross: "They aren't... a skeleton." Dream shrugs.

"We still made it, and therefore it's our child."

"But... Starcross is a skeleton? How did.. what?" Dream shrugs again

"Idk lol"


lemme kno if I missed som peeps-

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