GTKY Chapter 14

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Chapter status: EDITED.

Laine's POV

I wore the most comfy clothes I got: A band shirt and jeans. It's not that I wear it everyday. Mark the sarcasm.

I went downstairs and saw that they are complete. Almost complete. Tique and Dalton are not here. Those two are actually escalating so fast.

It looked like some serious thing is happening. All of them are in tiger looks. Wait, is something wrong?

I sat next to Cass. "What's happening?" I wispered to Cass but she just shrugged and gave me an I-don't-know-too look.

"Okay, so... Girls, it would be a sad announcement that we will be going on a tour this Christmas break," Cole said.

"Which means we will be super duper busy then and we will be going to different places." Dana added.

"But don't worry, it's just around LA. But we might not be able to see you girls for a the whole vacation." Gabe added.

I looked at the girls and it's obvious that they're pretty sad. Well, Cass and Alex are not as sad as I am because c'mon. This has happened to them before. It's my first time. Well why wouldn't we? When everything starts to get better that's when they'll be gone for the whole vacation? Argh!

"But since management knew about Galexy and Colassidy they decided to... Make them stay away from each other for the sake of money..." Will added.

Is the management that harsh? Com on, dude! That's being insensitive.

"What? They can't do that!" Alex half-shouted. I looled at Gabe but he was just looking down.

I was about to ask them so many questions when Cole spoke up.

"No we're just kidding, they let you guys go." Cole said.

They went beside us laughing their heads off and blabbing about how funny our faces were when we're afraid. Cole went to Cass, Gabe went beside Alex and Will went beside me while Dana was left standing.

I playfully punched Will's arm, "That was mean!" I whined. "It was their idea!" He was still chuckling, then he put his arm around me.

"C'mon, admit it, you were all funny," His brown pools stared into mine while he was laughing. I was lost and soon enough I found myself laughing with him.

"Laine?! Why are you laughing at this?! It's not funny!" Cass said. I glanced at her and Cole and saw she was beating the hell out of Cole's chest. Cole was still laughing, but was trying to calm her down by keeping her inside a hug.

I laughed, "Well, sorry! I was," I looked at Will, he's still laughing. "I-" Oh come on! Okay fine, it is funny!

In the long run, Alex started joining our joy.

"Anyway guys, it's in two weeks' time! We need to go to rehearsals on Thursdays and Fridays. That's for 2 hours after classes." Gabe said.

"Can we come?" I asked.

They all looked at me.

C'mon. I haven't seen them in rehearsals yet!

"Management allowed us to go before but not on a school night, so I guess we can come for two Fridays," Cass said.

Cole was playing with her fingers. God! These two are damn perfect for each other!

"And one Saturday," Will added. "We have one this coming Saturday."

We continued to talk about their mini Christmas tour. I smiled to myself as I see the excitement in the boys' eyes. They are really living their dream.

"Hey guys. It's past 10 PM. We should probably get going," Dana said.

"Right," Cassidy said while standing up.

"I'll walk you home,"  Cole said.

"No, we'll bring her home using the car. It's dangerous to walk outside in the middle of the night, Cole," Gabe said.

They started to fix themselves. All of them stood up, and me and Alex walked them to the door.

Cole and Cass were the ones who went out first. Cass gave me a small wave before riding shotgun.

Gabe went next, he and Alex did this brofist with a "balalalala~"

Dana was about to go next, but he stopped halfway there. "Laine, uhm. What do you think of Aalea?"

I looked at him with a smirk forming on my lips. "You like her, don't you?"

"Uhm... No. I mean, I... Y'know." I laughed at him. His face has a light tint of pink and it's obvious that he tries his best to hide the smile creeping on his lips.

"Looks like someone found a girl to like," Will, who's standing behind me, said.

"Shut up, Will. I'm not talking to you," Dana said then turned to me again. "So?"

"Why ask me? I'm not the one who's gonna ask her out."

He sighed. "But I wanna hear from you. So what do you think about her?"

"Fine. I want her to be my little sister. She's cute in appearance and personality."

"Okay, I think that's enough. Thanks, Laine," Dana said then went in the band car.

I turned to Will. "So..."

He smiled. "Is Dana really that soft around you? 'Coz y'know, we've been in the band for four years and he never acted like that around us."

I laughed, "Bestfriend."

"Will! Get your butt in here!" Dana shouted from the car.

"See what I mean?" He laughed.

"Okay, you gotta go."

"I gotta go. Bye Laine," he quickly kissed me on the cheek then ran to the car.

A small smile crept on my lips. "I saw that, Laine," Alex said as we watched the car speed away.

Short chapter but yeah. Thank you for reading!
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