GTKY Chapter 38

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I forgot to tell you guys... While I was trying to get a follow from Cole last night... Whataburger followed me XD oh and Phase Five did too lol

Okay I just find that funny off to the next chapter!

I'll show more of Will's POV XD


"Will, give her some space, man. You know how girls are."

Dana walked off, leaving me staring at the ceiling of my room with my phone in hand.

It's almost ten o'clock and I still don't have a reply from Laine. I wanted to go to her house but my parents are here. So are Cole's, Dalton's, Dana's and Gabe's. Add Jill to the bill. So it's not that easy to leave without them noticing.

This is our biggest fight, so far. Well, not really a fight but... You get me. She actually got mad this time. And I made her cry.

Now tell me if I'm still not the worst person to exist.

I spammed her through texts and DMs, I tried calling her, but it seems like she's not checking her phone.

Of course, Will. She knows you'll try to contact her, Will. Have you forgotten that she's mad at you, Will?

Of course I haven't.

"Will! Jill has something to say!"

(Okay so yuukoxpixie asked me this a while back... What if Will and Jill becomes a couple? What would their ship name be? XD okay imma go away. :/)

My mind went back to reality after hearing Dalton's voice. I stood up from my seat and slid my phone in my pocket. Everyone, minus the elders because they're having their elder times in the backyard, was in the living room so I rushed downstairs and sat on the couch beside Jill, since it was the only open spot.

"So I'm going straight to the point now since it's already late and you boys need to rest. As you all know, Perez's birthday on Friday, and he wants to throw a big party tomorrow. You are all invited to go. Tori Kelly, Fifth Harmony, and a lot more people are invited too, so dress accordingly. It's a party, okay? After that we will all go back to band business," she said in one breath. "Do you understand?"

We all nodded at her and she clasped her hands together. "Okay then."

(I REALIZED JUST NOW THAT I SPENT THE WHOLE NIGHT IN MY ROOM AND I LITERALLY DIDN'T EAT DINNER... OMG XD maybe that's why my mom was asking me if I wanted to cook noodles... XD okay enough of my boring life)

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