GTKY Chapter 9

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Chapter status: EDITED.

"What did I do?!" Cole said.

"You were stupid," Cass retorted back.

"Stop arguing, you two. I'll go talk to him." I said then left the guys in the kitchen.

I ran to the living room but Will's not there. "William?"

No answer. "Will! Where are you?"

I went out to the garden and I saw Will there, watching mom's fishes in a literally huge aquarium under a shed dad had built.

"Hey, Will?"

He turned, as if startled by my sudden appearance.

"Oh, hey Laine. I was just..."


"No, watching the fishes."

I stood beside him as he retuned to watching the fishes swim around the fake underwater plants and eat the crumbs mom probably gave before they left.

Will's POV

"What happened back there?" She suddenly blurted out.

"C'mon. I know you know why I acted like a psycho," I said.

"I have an idea," she looked at me, "But I want it to come from you. Who knows if my idea was wrong?"

I sighed, "Fine. I was jealous, okay? But I thought, what would make you trade Dana for me? You've known him for like, all your life and here I am, someone you just met two years ago."

We had an awkward silence after that. Did I make her uncomfortable? "Laine, I'm sor---"

She suddenly started talking really fast. "Look. Okay, I guess we can conclude that I've know Dana since we were like three but he's my bestfriend, nothing more, nothing less. Well okay he's like my brother and all, but that's it. Of course, I wouldn't trade him for the world. I'd do the same for Cass and Alex and Gabe and Cole and Dalton, but y'know, you're still here. And what does this speech have to do with you? Well I--"

"Laine." I said. Seriously, she is starting to lose her breath.

"Let me finish first, okay?" She said. I nodded slightly, confused on what she's trying to tell and what's gonna happen.

"I've been trying to tell you this earlier but fate was against me so Dana had to interrupt while I was trying to talk to you so I didn't get the chance to tell you how I really feel and--"

I was startled hearing 'what she felt', "Feel? You mean--"

"Shut up I told you to let me finish what I'm saying. I know you're starting to get an idea of what I'm trying to say but here goes nothing. I wouldn't trade them for the world but I wouldn't trade you for the universe. Will, I---"

"WILL! LAINE! WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU!" We turned around and saw Dalton and the others approaching us.

"Dammit!" she cussed, frustrated. "Will Jay, I like y--"

"We searched the entire house for you guys!" Cole shouted as they got near us.

"DOES THE WORLD HAVE A GRUDGE ON ME?!" Laine literally shouted, looking at the sky. I felt a huge smile forming in my lips. She turned to the others, "Can you guys go away for a second I was trying to talk to--"

I cut her off by placing an arm around her shoulder. "No need. I understand."

She looked at me, I smiled at her. She sighed. "Okay fine. I was getting embarrassed anyway."

"May I interrupt?" Cassidy spoke, "May I borrow Laine for a second?" She pulled Laine away from me and the others, and she also took Alex from Gabe.

They talked for some seconds a little far from us guys. "I won't ask for a story 'because what's happening is pretty obvious," Gabe said with a huge smirk on his face.

"If a teardrop falls from Laine's eyes because of you, don't bother talking to me. Talk to my fist instead." Dana said, addressing to me. "Hey we're not even a thing yet."

"You will be. So at least you have my warning even before it happens." He said, patting my back. "Thanks man."

Then we heard the girls screaming. Well, Cass and Alex were screaming and they returned with a blushing Laine.

"Guys, Laine said we can all stay for a sleepover!" They all cheered while Laine whined, still blushing hard. "Hey I didn't say you can stay for a sleepover!"

"Well, now you said it!" Cole said, we all laughed while Laine just pouted.

"C'mon guys give them some alone time!" Alex shouted.

"Hey-- You guys don't--"

"Shut up, Laine! Bye guys!" They left us here outside and entered the house.

"WILLIAM DON'T DO ANYTHING FUNNY!" I heard Dana shout. Laine laughed at that.

"So... What do you wanna talk about, buddy?" she said, returning to where we left off with the fishes.


"Okay, don't talk to me," she said turning her back on me, proceeding to the house.

"Hey I was just kidding come back here." I went after her and hugged her from the back.

"Seriously we have nothing to talk about," she said.

"I know. Just think of this as a favor for the guys since they spent this whole day picking on us," I said with a laugh.


Still depressed here. Okay let's just be happy. Hope this makes you feel better.

See you in the next chapter.

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