About Coming Soon

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Not an update, sorry.

In case you didn't know, Coming Soon is an asian HORROR movie, and the thing is if you stare or even simply look straight at Shomba's eyes, she'll get you, take you to her house, take your eyes off, and sew your eyelids closed. She does that to make you believe that you're her son / daughter.

When Shomba was alive, she used to be an actress. She portrays the role of a psychotic mom who kidnaps children, take their eyes off, and sew their eyelids closed. One day, the villagers found her house and saw the children, so they hung her because they were all mad at her. And since it was just all an act, the 'support' through the rope hanging her broke, she was struggling but the director thought that she was just that good in acting that's why it looked so real. So there, she died while filming the movie.

She returned as a killer ghost or whatsoever, and she did the same thing (the kidnapping, taking eyes, and sewing stuff) to the whole production staff of the movie.

The 'movie' in the movie (do I make sense to you? Whtvr.) was shown in the cinemas and Shomba took that opportunity to get more victims because some of the audience actually stared at Shomba's eyes, since they thought that it was just a movie.

The scariest part was, when the credits rolled on, it showed a hanging rope. Then after rolling what I think is the director's name, Shomba's head suddenly popped up on the screen with her eyes widely opened (the rope was shown to emphasize that Shomba was hung and she lifted her head to make eye contact with the audience). Okay. This is too long already it looks like a movie review. Sorry for spoilers, you should watch the movie, it's good and will scare the hell out of you. Or at least that's what I think.

Okay, it scares me typing this. I'm in the middle of the night and it's raining.



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