GTKY Chapter 28

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Will's POV

It's been a month since school resumed, and now, everything went back to normal.

And by normal, I meant homeworks and other school stuff. Less time to actually hang out and more focus on studies. Well, more pressure on Cole, Dalton, Gabe, and I since we're the seniors here. The others are kinda more relaxed than us.

Cole already did his promposal yesterday, good thing he did it on the school's rooftop because that would bring chaos.

So, yeah. Cass got asked out even though it was obvious that she'd go to prom with Cole.

And now Cole's stressing me out.

"Come on, Will! When are you going to ask Laine? I'll help you with the preparations." He nudged me on the side as I place my things inside my locker. It's lunchtime, and I am hungry.

"I'll cross the bridge when I get there, Cole." I said. Right now, all I want is to go straight to the cafeteria and eat. "And besides, isn't it kind of obvious that I'm going with her to prom?"

"Will," Cole placed his hand on my shoulder, "Of course you'll go with her. But you need to at least ask her. Girls love that. Laine's a girl. And she's not just a girl; she's your girlfriend." I closed my locker as soon as he finished his sentence.

"Laine? You mean the junior? She's your girlfriend, Will?" A girl beside me asked. She has this annoyed tone, locking her eyes straight to my flesh.

Britt Hilton. Perez's niece. The owner of the locker next to mine.

"Uhm, good to see you again, Britt." Cole said, awkwardly.

Britt's a beautiful girl, but... She's not nice to people.

"I'm not talking to you, Cole. I'm talking to Will." She glared at Cole and looked back at me, "So, is the junior your girlfriend, hmm?"

I didn't talk. I just stared at a far distance behind her, hoping Cole would save the air. I also didn't want to say yes, because I knew she'd go after Laine.

"I am talking to you, William."

I awkwardly turned to Cole and looked at him as if begging to help me with this.

"Uh, yeah she is Will's girlfriend. Any problem with that, Britt?" Cole said.

From the start, we always had this small fear of going against Britt, because she's the niece of the big boss for all you know. But sometimes she's just way out of the limit.

"Yes, I got a problem with that, Pendery," Britt leaned closer to me and pointingly stared at my eyes. "Break up with her, Behlendorf. Or else she'll have a place in a paradise of what I call 'HELL'." She slammed her locker shut and walked away from us. I sighed and glanced at Cole.

"We need to keep an eye on Laine. YOU need to keep an eye on Laine," he said, obviously annoyed. "You know she does what she says and we don't want that. And the next thing you know, everyone knows about you and Laine before lunch ends."

"I know and this is what I've been worried about all this time. I knew we couldn't keep it forever," I sighed. Now I lost my appetite. I'm not hungry anymore.

"Just keep her close. And we need to start now. For sure they're in the cafeteria right now, so we better go." Cole pulled me.

"She doesn't need to know all of this." I said. It might lead to another worry.

On our way home, I decided to tell the others what happened earlier. I was in the back, with Dalton and Dana.

"Hey guys," I said, breaking the silence above the music from the radio. Yeah, we were all tired from school today. Plus stress for me.

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