GTKY Chapter 33

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Laine's POV

"Okay both of you... Explain." I ignored Cass and rubbed my eyes. I leaned my head on Will's shoulder. It's too early. It's just 9.

"Laine, we didn't drag you out of your house just to see you sleep on Will's shoulder," she said and slapped my knee. "Okay, let her sleep, I will do the talking." Will said then wrapped his arm around me.

"Fine." Cassidy answered. "But stay awake, baby girl, you're not getting away."

I groaned and opened my eyes, but I didn't lift my head on Will's shoulder. It's funny how everyone's present in the IM5 house. Well, I shouldn't be here at this time of day if not for the girls practically dragging me from my room. I barely even brushed my teeth.

"What now?" Dalton asked, stuffing his mouth with cereals.

Will sighed before talking. "Well, Britt asked me way back to be prom king. We all know she can do that because of the connections she has. Well, the connections her family has. In return, she'll leave Laine alone. I said yes."

"Why did you leave then?" Tique asked.

Seriously I'm very functional in this talk. Note the heavy sarcasm please.

"I didn't want to take the award with her! Would any of you want to?" Will said. Silence followed.

"So... You knew about this, Laine? Why didn't you tell us?" Dana asked.

Hey, I'm not supposed to talk!

But meh. I just nodded.

"She didn't tell you because we both agreed you'll all just react in a negative way. I told her about this the night after Britt and I talked, and that's it."

Many questions still followed. I think each of them asked one, but like I said, meh. I'm not in the mood yet.

True enough, Will did all the talking. And I am so thankful for that because my mind is not yet fully conditioned right now to answer their mind-boggling questions. C'mon. Who wants to be on the hot seat?

"Hey, do you want me to take you home now?" Will shook me slightly once the others decided to search for something to eat aka breakfast in the boys' kitchen.

"I'm okay, I'll wait for the girls." I finally closed my eyes and snuggled closer to him. I know, we're losers. We're still on the couch.

"You... Wanna... Sleep? Upstairs?" He asked. I shook my head.

"You'll be more comfortable there." "Nah."

"You sure?"

I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked at him. "You know, I wanna sleep peacefully on your couch so go. Get your food."

He looked at me questioningly. "Go get your food. Breakfast! You're making me go to your room so you can go get your food! So go! Get your food now and let me sleep in peace for crissakes." I slammed my upper body on the other side of the couch, face flat, with my feet still on the floor.

"Okay, okay! Geez, Laine, why are you so cranky?" I felt him stand up so I concentrated on sleeping.

Why do they have to drag me out of my house this early. I slept at like, 2 am last night. Can't they give me some time to sleep? I cry.

A few moments passed and now I can't sleep. Great! My body is fully awake now! Ugh. I still feel so tired from last night.

"Wait, Jill calm down, let me talk."

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