GTKY Chapter 11

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Chapter status: EDITED.

Laine's POV

"Ssshh! You're gonna wake them up!"

"Eeeeh they look so cute together!"

I woke up to the sound of a silent shriek. Was that Cassidy?

I was leaning on something, so I slowly opened my eyes and saw white. Nothing but white. Am I dead?

It took me seconds to register that something heavy was placed around my waist. I slowly lifted my hand and rubbed my eyes.

I shifted my gaze upwards and saw Will's sleeping face and found out that I slept while leaning on his chest. Oh yeah, he was wearing a plain white shirt. I thought I was dead.

I saw Cole and Cassidy standing beside the couch, watching us. Out of my desire to resume my sleep, I ignored them.

I leaned back, closed my eyes, and tried to sleep again.


"OW! Babe, you better stop doing that!"

I felt Will lifting his head up, maybe to look at those two. "Shut up. Cole. Cassidy." Then I felt him tighten his grip on me.

Aaaargh! I can't go back to sleep! I snuggled closer to Will, remembering the scenes last night in my mind.

I just hate scary movies so much so I just decided to close my eyes and sink in to my thoughts to take a quick nap until the movie ends. I'll just wake up when it's done so Cass, Alex and me could proceed to my room and get a nice sleep.

I immediately opened my eyes widely and whispered, "What the."

I think Will heard me because he slowly fluttered his eyes open. "What's wrong?" He asked, lifting his arm snaked around my waist to rub the sleep away from his eyes.

"I think she figured out," Cole whispered to Cass, but still audible enough for me to hear.

"We better go," Cass said, pulling him away.

"Laine, what's wrong?" Will asked me again.

"Well, I don't remember us sleeping like this last night," I told him.

He was silent for a moment. Must be recalling what happened last night. "Right."

"I'm gonna go get those two." I answered.

"Who? Cole and Cass?"

"Nope, Cass and Dana. Those two are the only ones who know about the secret of this couch." I lifted myself from lying position to sit, but this boy beside me pulled my arm so my back bounced back on the couch.

"Let's just... Stay like this for a while." He said, hugging me again.

I tried to remove his arm from my waist but he just tightened his grip on me.

"C'mon, Will. We need to get up."

"C'mon, Laine. You know you like this." He answered with a smirk on his face, mocking the same tune I used.

I can feel myself blushing! "I do not." I buried my face in his chest to prevent him from seeing me red as a tomato.

"Okay, of course you don't." He said, "You don't like this, that's why you kept on snuggling closer to me earlier. Right, you don't like this. Okay, I believe you."

I looked at him straight in the eye. "Meanie." I slapped his shoulder, "Now let me go." He just laughed but he finally let me go.

I stood up, and saw the DVD shelf, with all the DVD's stacked nicely. I went closer only to find out that the movies are arranged in alphabetical order.

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