GTKY Special Chapter

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I'm leaving you guys with two updates today, since I'm moving for college in a few hours. (Don't worry I'm just sixteen) An Encore chapter and a GTKY special chapter. Next update might come up in a month or less. Or who knows. Lol. Enjoy!

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Will's POV

"William, you can't stay in bed all day again. You have practice, and you need to go. Whether you like it or not."

Jill slammed my door shut. She came over about half an hour ago to give us our schedule for the week.

We have three shows. So we have practice later.

She just talked to me, because the last time we had practice, which was last Thursday, I didn't go.

Because last Thursday, me and Laine fought over the phone.

I told her to stop stressing herself out. Last Wednesday, she arrived home at 10 PM because of those booth stuff, which we never had during our senior year.

10 PM is not safe anymore. Considering that she's a girl, and she only walked on her way home. Alone. And she didn't even tell me, so I can come and pick her up.

So there... We fought. Why do I need to know every single detail of her day, why does she need to tell me everything, bla bla. And her famous line, "Why do you even care?"

It's kind of tiring. We always have different kinds of arguments, may it be because of a small thing or a huge thing. We almost fight over everything. We fight over time, we fight over food, we fight over our friends, we fight over unanswered phone calls, we fight over our ideologies, and other random stuff.

All we did was to fight.

But I'd let her win. Every single time. Because like I said before, losing the argument is easier than losing her.

But it doesn't seem like it.

We'd make up, of course. It usually takes 1- 2 days before we can talk like nothing happened, but it's not the usual happy and silent talks we have. The joy isn't there, the intimacy isn't there... It's just pure casual talk.

Awkward. Dull. Spacey. Boring.

The I love you's aren't even there anymore. It comes in rare times where one of us feels the awlward tension before ending a call or before saying goodbye.

I don't even get to kiss her anymore.

Sometimes, stupid thoughts cross my mind, like maybe we're losing the stuff we have for each other, or maybe she just doesn't want it anymore.

And sometimes it feels irrelevant to still stay in this relationship... If we still have that.

I feel like it's just a 'declared relationship' thing, not really a felt relationship.

I don't know. I'm confused.

I mean, I still do love her. So much. I never lost the feelings I have for her. I think I just lost the excitement. The spark. The chill. The inseparability.

I feel like I'm holding her back from what she wants and what she has to do.

Sighing, as to how I get tired of thinking, I opened up my phone and went on twitter. I scrolled through my notifs.

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