GTKY Chapter 47

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I'm sorry for a lot of timeskips. Anyway, next update is already done. Will post it when those of you whom I expect to read have commented. Lol. You know who you guys are. Trust me, you would want another update after reading this. ;)

Enjoy! Vote and comment :)


Laine's POV

Senior year has been tough for me. Probably for everyone in my year, too.

We've been bombarded with school works, different activities here and there, and are forced to join extracurriculars for a better record for college.

Plus, there's a lot of pressure. Everyone's expecting you to do well to get into a good university.

It has been time consuming, and it has been draining my energy everyday. I would go home super tired, eat a little, do a bunch of school works then sleep for 4 hours. Then wake up early the next day and do the same routine. Then repeat. Then repeat. Then repeat.

I didn't know it was this hard, honestly. I thought it would be as easy as my junior year.

Nevertheless, senior year passed like a blur. It's already November and I feel like the last first day was just yesterday.

Cliché, I know. But setting the stress aside, senior year has been very fun.

A lot of colleges and universities did a visit in our school to do invites. Some of them offered free entrance examinations, some offered scholarship tests. There were sure a lot of flyers given to us.

On the other hand, the boys focused on the band. Since everyone else were done with highschool, Dana, being left out since he's the youngest, had to be homeschooled.

We were all going pretty smooth, I guess.

As for me and Will, everything's totally fine. We've been closer than before, we've learned more about each other, and we've been pretty much attached.

We'd see each other everyday, either he's gonna go to my house or IM5's gonna go back to our school at lunch for fun. But oftentimes, he goes to my house. We go out on weekends, not every week though, and we've been receiving weird stares from people, but we stopped caring, really.

We text everyday, talk through the phone until one of us falls asleep, or skype at random times, which rarely happens since I'm so busy with school.

He is too, with the band. They've been recording an EP, and of course a choreography comes along with the new songs. So he's almost as busy as me, in a different form.

Speaking of Will, I kinda did nothing for his birthday. Absolutely nothing. I gave him a gift, though. A wireless mic. I know, sucks.

We just had a lazy day, watching random movies without actually finishing them, eating various types of food (like you don't know Will.), and other stuff we could do while cuddling in his bed. I spent the night over.

I guess you could say we maintained a healthy relationship.

Well, not until the past month.

They've been doing shows. A lot of shows. And as for me, I've been busy with school events, since I joined (more like forced to) organizations in the campus.

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