GTKY Chapter 32 (PART 2)

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I'm sorry for a lot of time skips. There will be a lot in the upcoming chapters. :/

Anyway here's part 2! Time started: 1:15 AM

Laine's POV

"Whatever is with her, it's better off this way! She better not bother you anymore!"

Tique exclaimed as we entered our house. Our prom is tonight, and we decided that she'll join me in preparing because no one else is in her house but the big panda Dalton gave her.

"But it smells fishy, don't you think? She'll stop in the middle of enjoying her job? Is that very Britt-like? I don't think so."

Tique shrugged. We were talking about Britt. Ever since that day when she called me a whore, everything she did went downhill. And with that I meant she stopped going after me and saying things about me. We don't even walk past each other in the hallways, just like how we were before I knew her.

"Hey, you're early, that's good!" Alex exclaimed once she saw us. She's gonna boycott her own prom to join ours. Such a badass.

"Well it doesn't take too much time to pick up a dress, don't you think?" Tique sarcastically answered. "Nah, just kidding, 'Lex."

I accompanied Tique to the store to pick up her dress, which me and Cass helped picking. It was sapphire blue, and it was just pretty. Really suits her.

Well my prom dress was also blue, but of lighter shade. With a touch of gray.

I know, my obsession with blue and gray is ridiculous. I even brought it to prom.

"Well... It's already 3 so... Maybe you girls wanna take a bath already? I already did." Alex said.

"What? Prom starts at 7! We still have four freaking hours!" I exclaimed. What does she want us to do, drink all the water coming from the shower?

"Dude we still gotta fix ourselves. Your mom and her mom are the only ones who'll help us fix. Well, I'm sorry for being a pulled string but I badly need some help." Tique said. "Where can I place my dress?"

"Place it in my room, I'll dress up in mom's room. You can have mine." I answered. "But do we really need to start this early?"

"Yep. Makeup takes time. And hair. So go!" Alex pushed me and Tique towards the stairs.

"Mom don't get me blinded dammit!" I pushed my mom's hand away from me as she forced into doodle on my eyelid.

"I won't! It's just eyeliner Laine! Hold your hands down or you will not go to this prom."

I sighed impatiently and forced my hands to lay flat on my thigh. I don't want that damn colored pencil on my eye but I also wanted to go to prom so yeah.

"See? Did you get blind?" Mom said and glared at me.

Oh the relationship we have.

"Okay, you're done with your makeup! Stay put and I'll go to Tique, okay?" I nodded and grabbed my phone. It's already 6:10. Will will pick me up at 6:30. He'll be coming from the school because the band needs to be there early for the prom's opening performance. They don't have choreo, though.

Luckily, my dress is not as itchy as I expected it to be. Actually it's not even itchy. I'm glad.

"Hey, Laine!"

I turned around and saw Aunt Kristy.

"Hey, Aunt Kristy. Is Alex done already?" I asked. She nodded and smiled sweetly at me. "She is, sweetie. Now, let me help you with your hair."

I nodded and faced the front again. Did I mention that I wasn't facing a mirror? Yeah, I'm not. Just a table.

After several pulls and twists, Aunt Kristy finally declared that my hair was done. Mom yelled that she's almost done with Tique.

"Put on your shoes, okay Laine? I'll go check up on Alex." Aunt Kristy left the room as I stared at the pair of shoes. This is the worst part. Heels.

It's not a 10-inch pair of heels for all we know. It's just that heels are not my thing.

Oh well. It's prom, alright.

So I wore the heels.

I walked to a full length mirror in mom and dad's room and stared at myself. Hmm. Not bad. My hair was in a braided bun with lose strands on both sides. My dress flew an inch above my knee.

Not bad.


I fidgeted on the couch and whined to my mom. Gabe and Dalton separately arrived centuries ago to pick up the two girls and still Will isn't here.

"Maybe he just had problems with the car, honey." My mom said. Dad kept munching on the popcorn he was eating.

"It's 6:22! Calm down, little girl!" Dad said.

Nooo I can't.

"He must've been--" bzzt bzzt.

I checked my phone to see a text from Will saying that he's already here. I squealed and half-ran to the door.

Yeah, excited. Whatever. Don't judge.

"Hi." Will smiled at me as soon as I opened the door. He took my hand and placed a corsage in it.

"Aren't you even going to put it on?" I asked. "Nah, you do it." He winked at me and laughed.

I playfully glared as a response and put the corsage on myself. I noticed that his tie and my dress were of the same shade of blue. "Hey, matchy matchy!" I pointed to his tie, then to my dress.

"Intended." He smiled. "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Green!" He smiled to my parents.

"You should go now, Will. Take care of your girlfriend, okay?" My dad said.

"I thought you wanted him to come over?" I asked.

"Well, he did alright." Dad said, turning back to the tv. I shook my head.

"Go now, kids. Will still needs to get ready for a song, am I right, Will?"

Will just smiled and nodded. "Okay mom, dad! We'll go now!" I said and stepped out, my purse in hand. He held my hand as we walked to the car.

"You look beautiful tonight," he said, without looking at me.

"Thanks. You look pretty good, too."

This was supposed to be the end of chapter 32 but it obviously didnt fit lol. I'll post part 3 tomorrow I promise (bc it's 2:10 in here already)

Oh! I wrote this in 55 minutes! #Achievement lmao :))

Okay imma sleeeep g'night beybes

Side note: I just woke up and I didnt know this wasnt publisjed last night I'm so sorry anyway here it is :)

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