GTKY Chapter 43

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I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday! I got bathed in beer at a party -_- dont ask :/

Anyway here it is! :) hope you like the chapter! :) I loved writing this just so y'all know hahaha :)))

The car immediately stopped, and I just remained there, still surprised with the loud noise that sufficed my ears just seconds ago. The door on the driver's seat opened and it revealed a boy.

Skinny jeans, black rubber shoes, a black shirt with an unbuttoned denim polo over it. He removed his sunglasses, revealing his whole face, his jawline traced by the bright sunlight. He looks good, to be honest.

But he still has his snapback on.

"Laine?! What are you doing at the middle of the road?! Do you want to die?"

He walked closer to me and tugged me by the arm. "Get in the car. What are you doing here anyway?"

Dana opened the shotgun door for me. He jogged to the other side and hastily went in. "What are you doing here?" He asked again.

"I... I came to talk to Will."

He squinted his eyes at the mention of Will's name. "What did that baseborn say to you again?"

Wore the seatbelt and so did he. "Don't call him baseborn, Dana. He's still my boyfriend." He is, right? We didn't really break up, right?

"Well, whatever. So what did he say? Let me guess. It didn't go well?"

I sighed and nodded. "Nothing much. I provoked him. Let's stop talking about me, please?" I pulled out my phone to text Cassidy that Dana gave me a ride. She might rush to the IM5 house for all we know.

Dana started the engine of the car and drove towards my house. While we were on our way, I decided to talk to him.

"Where did you go this morning, Dana?"

He glanced at me for a second then darted his eyes back on the road. "I just went out by myself."

"Alone? And looking like that? You can fool everyone else but don't pull it on me. C'mon. Spill."

"Fine!" He whined, finally pulling over to my house. "It's a girl. And I won't tell you her name. That's it."

"But didn't you and Aalea just broke up recently?"

"Yes and that means I'm free to date anyone I want and you have a lot of questions." He clicked my seatbelt off and leaned to open the door. "You can get off now."

"Wow, some nice person you got there," I sarcastically said. He chuckled and shook his head in response. "Okay then. Spill it to me when you're ready. Bye and thanks for the ride!" I waved at him and went out of the car. I was about to close the door when I remembered something.

"Oh," I peeped my head back in. "What now?" He asked impatiently.

"Don't beat up Will, okay? Don't worry. I'm still a little mad at him but I also love him so it just goes back to zero. When I see him, his cheekbones should still be intact, okay?"

He held on to the steering wheel. "If I wanted to kill him, I would've. But his death would be the death of me because of you so no thanks. Can you close the door now?"

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