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Decisions had to be made

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Decisions had to be made. Stiles and Scott continued staring at each other as if this was some sort of battle. Neither of them was winning.

"Guys? Liam?" Theo said. He seemed confused to find the pack in a room filled with nothing but silence.

Finally Lydia got up from her seat and went outside to open the door. She returned with Theo who as his way of saying hello just flashed a short smile.

"What have you guys been talking about?"

"Non of your business." Stiles mumbled, to which Scott replied with a glare. Stiles signaled him to choose his words carefully.

"We were talking about Lacrosse" Scott explained.

"What, all of you?" Theo didn't buy it. "Since when are you guys so fond of Lacrosse."

There was one thing that Liam couldn't get from his lungs. He wanted to ask Lydia, but he couldn't, - he had been scared of the answer. So although the question had been hammering in his head throughout their meeting, expecting Stiles or anyone to bring it up at one point or another, no one did. And now it was too late.

"Seriously, Stiles, are we there all over again. I thought we were on good terms now." Theo said. "How often to I have to tell you I'm here to help."

"Haven't been a great help so far."

"Well I'm trying." Theo explained. "But nothing happened so how am I supposed to come up with information."

"Lydia." Stiles said, looking at her.

She stared at him, not understanding why he had called her name. "What?"

At first, Liam was worried that Stiles had a feeling about the room and Theo being somewhat connected. Slowly, it came to him that this wasn't why Stiles had turned to her. He was checking on Lydia to find out what she thought of this. He was asking for her opinion on where they were to draw the line when it came to working with, and involving, Theo.

Was he to help them pull this off, was Liam to keep it a secret from him, was he to be treated as the enemy for as long as possible? Was their small collaboration something Stiles and the others held onto or had things changed? Was it Liam's fault if things went wrong? After all, it was Liam who should've at least told Lydia that Theo had been sleeping in the storage room for some time. But at the same time, didn't she say that the room wasn't the one she had been looking for? Or was she simply mistaken and it was that room nevertheless?

Liam couldn't be sure, and suddenly he felt like it was his duty to let Scott know. But he didn't know how. Should he have been telling Mason? After all, he was on his side, biased or not.

Before he could make a decision, Mason stepped forward. "Guys, we need every help we can get."

Everyone stayed quiet, even Stiles. Liam just wanted Mason to shut up. But he continued. "It may be stupid, but we need him to pull it off. Okay?"

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