s i x t y - s e v e n

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(HERE I AM! no shit no shit, god I'm so excited I actually wrote this just now and am publishing it before I can change my mind about it. Love you guys thanks for your patience!)

 Love you guys thanks for your patience!)

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Liam was late. Arriving at the animal clinic and seeing Stiles jeep already parked up in the driveway, he regretted instantly that he had taken the long route to get there. But he had tried to postpone the moment of meeting with Scott and the rest of the pack, for he did not know what to tell them. He did not know how he would react to them. He did not know how they would look at him. He did not know what Stiles must've told Scott in order to have him return to Beacon Hills, he did not know what he had told him about Theo, T.O. and most importantly: about himself.

It was awkward, it was embarrassing, and it was even worse when he arrived at the animal clinic, mumbling "sorry, I'm late" whilst avoiding Scott's gaze by staring at Mason and Malia instead. Luckily  Stiles seemed to be setting something up on his phone, so Liam wasn't forced onto eye contact with him and their hello was cut down to a quick nod anyway. And when it was Liam's turn to look at Scott, all he did was have his gaze drop to the floor and clear his throat. 

"This is all that's left of us?" Malia asked and looked at the people that have come together for the meeting. It was only her, Scott, Stiles, Liam, Mason. "Wow, alright. Looks promising, then."

Suddenly Stiles jumped. "Wait!" and placed the phone in front of them. "Lydia? Lydia can you hear us?"

"Yes, stupid, and I can see all of you's as well." Lydia replied on the other end of the line.

In a way, it felt comforting to Liam having Lydia with them, even if it was via video chat. Somehow this did relax the entire situation a little.

"Mason - Liam, Liam? Where's Corey?"

"I wouldn't know."

"What do you mean you wouldn't know?!" Stiles got nervous. "This is your side of the pack!"

"Calm down Stiles." Scott said, and this time Liam was actually even thankful for Scotts presence, but he abandoned the though immediately. After all, Scott was the reason why they were here in the first place, making Liam feel anything but welcome.

"My side of the pack? Does this mean I should've include Hayden as well?! Or-"

"I said: calm down!" Scott shouted. It was suddenly like in good old times when Scott was their alpha and everybody else obeyed, wether they agreed or not. Liam and Mason exchanged looks, and they both knew they agreed on this case. Liam felt miserable, once again, as if this was somehow due to him, - that he'd failed when it came to this entire scenario.

souls :: thiamWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt