s e v e n t y - s i x

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( I love you all, thanks for still reading this, it means the world to me )

In the next couple of days, everyone felt like he was living inside a big, giant blur

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In the next couple of days, everyone felt like he was living inside a big, giant blur. Mason and Liam went to school all casually, but every time a teacher seemed to try to explain first world problems to them like economic crisis and past inflations, Liam was just staring at the talking faces, sometimes chewing on his nails until it hurt, sometimes keeping his hands under the tables tapping against them nervously from below like a hammer, boom, with only him noticing. He was wondering wether Corey and Hayden felt the same, but given the fact that they got involved only just now, he felt like it wasn't as much as a big deal to them as it was for Liam. It seemed the world depended on this, and it felt like it depended on him. He knew Mason was truly nervous as well, because every time he saw him in the library, he was quite alert, and always expected Liam to drop some bad message on him. But as every time, he told him he was fine, and Mason reacted as if he had just heard the best news he had heard all year. They talked about the things they would talk about on every usual school day, but they were very fond of the look in each others eyes that told them, this was anything but usual. They were afraid.

They knew Scott and Stiles were working on a good defense plan with Sheriff Stilinski, who was had been very skeptical about the whole plan at first, but slowly gave into the necessity of it all. Sometimes it all appeared stupid to either of them, but instead of sitting around doing nothing, they had to at least do something.

But something wasn't easy.

Compared to all of this going on in secret, Practicing Lacrosse seemed a little silly to Liam, when he could be doing so much more in regard to the plan. Sometimes he felt rather angry that he wasn't there with Scott and Stiles when they talked to Stilistik about it all. He was the kid playing Lacrosse as if nothing had happened. But Liam couldn't deny it was the only true escape from everything going on on the outside. And it pushed him further than before.

Giant raindrops were pouring from the sky during that last practice before the game, and it seemed almost like a bad omen, the nature not agreeing with it all. Liam was soaking wet to the bone, he could barely see his own feet, but he ran, and ran, for his life. He heard T.O. shouting instructions to Nathan and Gwen across the field, but he only received them in a blur as if driven by another force, scoring one, scoring two goals, high giving T.O., not even noticing Coach Finstock jumping in the air, celebrating as if the game was already won.

That, however, wasn't the case yet.

The rain had turned into a legit thunderstorm when 10 soaked teens were changing in the locker room, soaked towels and jerseys laying on the floor. Corey was just rubbing his hair to dry it at least a little bit, before throwing it over to T.O. who did it him alike, when Coach Finstock came in and spoke some last words.

"I have not checked the weather report for tomorrow yet , but if it rains only half as much, Devenford Prep can not but lose"

Some chuckled, some just grinned.

As did Theo, when Liam showed up at home, sitting in the kitchen to eat some cereal.

"Did it rain out there or did you forget to get undressed before showering?" Theo joked, a smile on his lips.

Liam just pointed outside the window with his spoon, not really showing an interest in the conversation.

"You need to relax." Theo said carefully. "It's just a game."

"Not just a game if you ask me." Liam said and looked him straight into the eyes.

Liam was the first to break the gaze after a long time, turning back to his cereal bowl.

Theo hesitated only for a moment, to see wether or not this was all that Liam had to say. For an instance it even seeemed like Theo was ready to apologize to Liam, but instead he closed his mouth before any words could fall out again and turned around, going back upstairs to Liam's room without another word.

Something about him leaving made Liam regret his sharp choice of words. This had been the first time in days that they both had really spoken a word with each other, with Liam always staying outside late and only coming home when Theo seemed to be asleep already. In a way, there was this hopeful desire of being with Theo, and at the same time he despised himself for it.

The folder. At once it sank back into him, the one thing he tried to push furthest out of his mind. He dropped the spoon in the bowl of cereal, stood up and went outside, grabbing his bike and cycling over to the only person that could still help him now and would not judge him.



It was late, and Mason was surprised, but not too surprised to see Liam showing up in front of his parents house that night.

He was just handing out fresh bed sheets and a spare T-Shirt to Liam, when he already sat down on Mason's bed, the same introverted and thoughtful stare on his face that Mason already noticed during class.

"Liam, what - "

"Theo broke into the Sheriff's office that night." Liam blurted out, and turned to face Mason. He seemed desperate, lost.

"What? What night?" Mason seemed confused, but sat down next to him.

"When they stole the evidence found near the first crime scene. You know, the Theo Raketen family shit." Liam explained, but didn't quite understand what he was saying either. "Remember when he sent me to get it, and I was the one getting caught. He stole it."

Mason was speechless, searching for words that didn't come. Liam seemed to be just as confused by the words he had just said as Mason.

"He stole it, and I found it in the room, this storage room he stayed in at school." Liam stated.

"Which means this..." Mason began, not taking his eyes off of Liam. "does link him to the murders and the T.O. Raeken mystery."

"It means that whatever happens tomorrow is entirely my fault."


<3 <- this one's for you

PS: I am still recovering from the shock that THIAM will not be happening in the TW movie, which is the only thing that would've made sense. It is tragic that Cody didn't have time for the shoot, but to be honest Jeff Davis you should've just rescheduled because Thiam would've been the only reason for everyone to watch this movie to begin with...

PPS: I have not written anything in forever and I have obviously not written anything in English in forever forever so please bear with me, I truly hope I didn't let you down !!!!!

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