[ Q & A ]

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Here are some answers to the questions you've asked me.
I split them into 3 categories, one being questions related to the book, to teen wolf and the every other kind of question.

R E G A R D I N G  S O U L S

What inspired you to write this book?

My thirst for thiam after 6a. That was like the only reason I write this story to begin with.

There were like 5 other people apart from me and my sister who really shipped Thiam romantically, but the wait for 6b seemed to be so far out of reach and there weren't any Thiam fics up to that point, so I decided to give it ago. I never thought people would actually read it, and that it was never the plan to actually get people to read it; the purpose of it was actually merely to give myself the Thiam I was so desperate for, and then the story kind of blew up and people liked it and yep now here we are!!

What gave you the idea to call it souls as well as the whole blue eyes sharing thing?

Ha, good question. I'm usually super bad with labelling complex stuff like stories or songs with one word, and titling things in general, but I wanted to write the story so bad and had to come up with a name eventually. I didn't think much about it actually, just felt that somehow, Liam and Theo are completely different souls that still somehow feel attracted to each other and have that special connection, wether it's a good or bad thing. All three parts of the story lowkey still resemble that and fit the description of the whole souls-story; and I'm pretty proud of that, because as I already said, I suck at accurately labelling things.

As for the blue eyes sharing thing; I feel like it kind of resembles that deeper connection and bond Liam and Theo have eventhough they're completely different souls. Liam saved Theo in Part A from his fate, and that comes with a prize, which includes him having to take part of the guilt.

Honestly, I don't even know how I came up with that exactly. Me and my sister always sit down and discuss several Thiam scenarios and how Souls should continue, and I believe one day it was us discussing how Teen Wolf never really explained why people's eyes turn blue, and why Theo's eyes were orange, and somehow that's how we came up with that plot.
So I'm sorry if this answer is really vague, I should probably start writing these things down from now on.

Would you ever make this a series?

In a way, this already is a series, divided in 3 sub-stories:

You know, Part A, black, was the entire thing with Theo's nightmares and him throwing up the black liquid; darkness taking over him; whereas Part B, blue, was Liam trying to figure out who he is and what he and Theo want to be and finding out about the entire blue eyes thing; and Part C, red, is the first real hindrance of their relationship which is the appearance of T.O. and the truth about Theo. You can try to decide wether red as theme stands for blood, love, or something else.

Can you explain this whole two Theos thing because I don't get it that much?

I can try without giving away too much.

It's exactly how it seems: there's two Theo's now. As in; two different people made of flesh and bone.

But beware: only one of them is Theo Raeken.

The entire situation is going to lead to a huge conflict in Thiam's relationship and will have a major impact on their future.

Who is the real Theo Raeken?

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