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Liam found himself wandering through the preserve

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Liam found himself wandering through the preserve. Walking slowly, then speeding up until he was out of breath again and got back to a slower speed, until he picked up his pace again. His heart was pounding in his chest, but he knew he had to do this. All this time he was so caught up trying to be like Scott he didn't even realize. But fuck it,— fuck what everyone else thinks, fuck his inner voice telling him to stop, fuck the fact that he didn't know what to say nor to think.

When he arrived at the Distillery, he began wondering what made him think he was here in the first place. He could've been anywhere, why return here? He looked all over the place for him, but there was no sign of Theo. Still wearing his tree costume, he continued to wander around the preserve for a while until it was just him padding around, kicking stones out of the way with his shoulders hanging down as well as his head.

There was no sign of him anywhere. So be returned back home instead of going back to the shook performance of Romeo and Juliet. It was probably over by now anyway, and his mother close to returning back home, waiting to ask him why the hell he wasn't on stage.

Once again Liam felt like he always did the wrong time at any time, and so it happened that he reached the Dunbar's house with a frown and mad expression on his face, taking out his keys from his pocket to unlock the door. However, there was already someone standing by the door, ringing the bell instead of unlocking it, for sure, and Liam had his eyebrows scrunched together when he didn't quite knew who it was that was standing in front of their house.

Approaching the figure slowly, he did not believe his own eyes.

"What are you doing here?", was what Liam said from behind.

His visitor turned around slowly, and once he met Liam's gaze his sharp facial expression relaxed.

He wore a grey hoodie, his hair was sitting perfectly and it seemed he hadn't shaved in three days. Liam wasn't quite sure where to look, and decided to go for his baby blue eyes. Theo, instead, looked down on Liam's extra ordinary outfit before looking back at his face again, not saying anything about his appearance.

"I'm not so sure", Theo started, carefully picking his words, "Might be I just wanted to talk."

"About what exactly?", Liam shot back within seconds, keeping up his act. He could not have Theo know about Liam searching for him just minutes ago. That so wouldn't be cool.

Theo looked at Liam for a while, expecting him to unlock the door so that they could talk this through inside, but instead, Liam just stood there a few metres in front of Theo and the stairs leading to the porch where Theo stood.
Theo began moving and took a few steps down, towards the boy.

"Well then...", he said, watching his feet. Then he bluntly added, "Maybe
you were right and we should not go for the entire gay - love - couple thing."

"Great", Liam squealed, still being the tough boy he is. In reality, every muscle of his body was tensed because of Theo's words. He did not understand how Theo could just say something like that out of the blue, without even changing his pitch or clearing his throat or that tone in his voice that came up whenever Liam thought something somehow close to that. And even then, he always tried to avoid these words. With Theo, it was as if it wasn't a big deal to him at all.

Theo waited a few seconds before speaking again.

"I mean I was dying, so", was all he said, looking at Liam as if he was expecting something.

"Yeah, very right", Liam replied looking serious.

"Let's just forget about it all", one of Theo's eyes blinked while speaking as if the muscle under his eye had tensed up; his head was slightly tilted as he shrugged one of his shoulders.

Liam swallowed, then nodded with his lips pressed against each other. Under his breath, Theo mumbled an "Alright", then padded his hands on his jeans with Liam watching him.

He then held out his hand for Liam to take, Liam just looked at him and his hand. As he understood, he took his hand, shaking it as if they were business partners or anything of that kind.

"Is this weird?", Theo mumbled, a hence of uncertainty in his voice that Liam never heard in Theo's voice before.

By the touch of his skin, it was as if there was a spark set free; Liam began to feel warm inside, and even if it was just his hand that touched him, it made him feel that thing in the pit of his stomach that made him want to hug the world but the next moment it had vanished again and he was back to being just Liam. Just Liam. And he felt good to be just that,— it was enough.


>> It makes me so happy that around Theo Liam might feel awkward but he doesn't feel like he is not WANTED or NEEDED like he does with Lacrosse / Drama whatever. Because Theo wants and needs him so bad lmao

but yeah

everytime Liam makes up his mind Theo is getting used to Liam friendzoning him and the other way round

Guess they're stuck in the


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