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( this chapter is unedited ! )

It was about time that Liam would seek a conversation with Stiles after being reminded that the body found in the woods a couple of weeks before wasn't a one time thing

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It was about time that Liam would seek a conversation with Stiles after being reminded that the body found in the woods a couple of weeks before wasn't a one time thing.

No one opened the door for him at the Stilinski household and so he decided to sit down on the front steps and wait for Stiles to come home. After all, it couldn't take too long. Right?

Unfortunately, Stiles and his father were still out of sight as it became chilly outside, and Liam clasped his arms in front of his shoulders, pulling his navy hoodie closer together for warmth, his shoulders scrunched up. His eyes remained focused on the street, wandering from one end to the other, hoping to see a specific blue jeep making its way towards him. But nothing happened.

He laid down on the cold stone, looking up at the clouds. For a moment, Liam considered going home. But his feet didn't move and so he stuck to lying there, waiting for nothing and nothing at all.

Finally, Sheriff Stilinski arrived from work, not too excited about a certain 17-year-old lying on his front porch. Liam explained he meeting Stiles, and so the Sheriff took him inside, letting him wait in Stiles' room.

Stiles' room looked the same as usual, apart from it being way emptier and more tidied up than usual. Some shelves were empty, and here and there were some furniture missing and Liam knew that it was because he had taken majority of his stuff to his dorm for his FBI training.

However, Stiles' murder-board was still there, looking the same as always, apart from the stuff pinned onto it. Whereas one half was full of pictures of torn, mangled bodies, one photo being labeled "Richard Finch", the other half of the board contained stuff about both Theo Raekens. T.O.'s evidence was surprisingly small. Next to Theo's name were pictures and names of people that he had already killed, including Tracy and Josh and his sister, Tara. One string also connected toward the Dread Doctors.

Stiles finally entered the room, having Liam instantly spin around to not seem as if he interested at all in his murder board. Stiles seemed annoyed.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Liam asked, his voice almost a shout, and Stiles rolled his eyes at this friendly welcoming.

"It's good to see you too, Liam,"  Stiles moaned. "And in my room."

"Mrs. Finch's husband is dead!"

"I know that," Stiles said, motioning toward the board, "and you really shouldn't have seen that."

"I already knew anyway!" Liam called out. At this point, Stiles was nothing but confused at the fact that this teenager was standing in the middle of his room shouting at him for things that had nothing to do with him.

"How did you—"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Liam interrupted the older boy again. His chest heavily rose and fell with every breath he took. Stiles noticed his upset behavior and when he sensed Liam's anger growing, his expression changed into a look that was full of concern.

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