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Liam felt weird to show up at the sherrif's department the next afternoon, straight after school, and he felt even weirder considering he had no idea what he was actually doing

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Liam felt weird to show up at the sherrif's department the next afternoon, straight after school, and he felt even weirder considering he had no idea what he was actually doing.

The place was rather busy — police officers in creme uniform coming and going, people entering and exiting the entrance. No one really paid attention to him, and though it was the same case at shool, compared to being a junior in high school, this was a whole different story. He couldn't just try to blend in here.

"Oh, hello Liam", Parrish noticed the boy looking around, rather lost. "Are you looking for someone?"

Liam opened his mouth, for a moment searching for the right words. "Well yeah?", he said, then got his act together. "Is Sheriff Stilinski here?"

Sheriff Stilinski was there. He was sitting behind the desk in his office when Parrish lead Liam towards him, opening the glass door and closing it again after greeting his chef.

"Liam.", Sheriff Stilinski said, only gazing up from his paper for a second.

"Yes", Liam began, unsure how to continue until Sheriff Stilinski leaned back, his eyes fixated on the boy, waiting for him to go on. "I was thinking maybe you could tell me where Stiles is."

"Seriously?", Sheriff Stilinski knit his eyebrows together, sounding calm nevertheless, "Why don't you just call him, you should know he's just gotten home yesterday."

"Well yeah!", Liam called out, excitingly, "that's why! 'Can't reach him, maybe he's out with Scott or Lydia."

"Lydia won't make it until the 5th.", Sheriff Stilinski replied, seeming sceptical about the (in Liam's eyes) convincing story, and turned back to his paperwork. "But as you can see, he isn't here and I sadly can't tell you the whereabouts of my son as of now. What I can tell you is that there's work for me to do."

Liam kept his mouth shut at this, but didn't move from his position. Not even after seconds had passed.

Sheriff Stilinski looked back up, catching the boy staring at the papers, gathered loosely in a folder that was half shut, half opened and resting on the desk. Found near the crime scene, was written in a red sharpie onto the folders cover, just bold enough for Liam to read upside down.

Suddenly Sheriff Stilinski jumped off of his seat, trying to get the papers away, or at least, out of the boys view. By doing so, he accidentally dropped a bunch of pictures on the floor without noticing, having Liam kneel down and trying to pick them up. When finally Sheriff Stilinski knelt down beside him, trying to gather the pictures and evidence before him, he had a mean look on his face — almost glaring at the 17-year old.

Thinking he had gotten his hands on all the pictures he unintentionally dropped before Liam could get a hold of what it was about, he left his office with the folder of evidence, leaving Liam alone in the room for a couple of seconds.

Enough time for Liam to take a step to the side; still knelt down and checking no one else in the sheriff's department saw him, only to reveal a photo portraying four people, most likely a family, as it was an elder woman with dark brown hair, a man with stubble and two kids, a girl and a boy, possibly between 6 and 8. Liam had never seen the girl, woman or man. Nevertheless, one person looked slightly familiar, eventhough it was just a faint resemblance, but enough to be marked as a suspect.

Almost like an explosion, a hundred thoughts came to his mind, but all he physically did was slip the photo into his pocket, running out of the police station.


short one for y'all but thought I'd have a promise to keep


ThAT'S INSANE!!! ESPECIALLY SINCE I STARTED THIS FANFICTION BECAUSE I, PERSONALLY, JUST WANTED TO WRITE ONE FOR MY OWN SATISFACTION (THERE WERE NO THIAM FICS BACK THEN). I didn't think people would actually really enjoy it !!! So thank you!!! I hope you will continue to enjoy it !!! And I'm also praying every day that some of it will become canon 😎❤❤

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