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The situation was tensed

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The situation was tensed. It was kind of how things were back in sixth grade; because whenever Hayden would pass Liam in the hallway at school, she would just glare at him hoping it would make him feel bad and aggressively walk past him, the heels clattering against the floor with every step.

Sadly, Liam took barely notice of it and the effort was for nothing. He knew he messed up big time; but no matter how hard he would try to talk to Hayden, he knew she needed this triumph and it would take her a while to cool down.

Even Mason and Corey noticed Hayden acting strange everytime Liam was with them, and overall she was just so tensed and pissed-off even when Liam wasn't around.

"Okay, what happened?", Mason finally brought up the topic when Liam left the group of friends after Hayden shot him the I'll-kill-you-look and he found it tiring to defend himself all the time.

"Nothing 'happened'?", Hayden spat, her nose scrunched up in disgust when she watched Liam walk away until he was out of sight.

"Did he cheat with some girl on the party?", Mason spoke out what both, Corey and him, were thinking all the time; but got nothing in return apart from a mad look from Corey.

"No?!", Hayden shot back, almost too sharp; her facade was slowly falling, revealing an insanely huge amount of insecurities underneath. She was fragile, no wonders when everything she believed in was a big, fat lie.

"With a boy?", Mason said it more like a catch question, but having Hayden groan like an upset 6 year old child and stomp away as result, his eyes suddenly widened.

"A boy?", Mason repeated when he and Corey watched Hayden distance herself from them. When he looked at his boyfriend he saw Corey shrug his shoulders, equally as confused.

With Hayden starting to plan her dreadful revenge and Corey and Mason left behind puzzled, Liam was on his way back home.

He swung the door open and sprinted upstairs; the sound of his steps echoeing through the entire house. His mother was yelling from the kitchen — asking if he wanted to eat something, but all Liam shouted back was "I'm not hungry"

He dropped his bag on the stairs, and carelessly flung his jacket in the nearest corner. In a matter of seconds he grabbed the doorknob to his room, opening it impulsively. The boy was sitting on his bed, scrolling through some apps on his cellphone — when he looked up to see who had caused this noise of slamming the door open, he already felt a pair of lips crashing into his. He was taken aback by how Liam had come to the point of succumbing his desires; giving himself entirely to this one moment that he had secretly been looking forward to the past 8 hours of school. Theo felt himself struggling to keep up with how frantic Liam's lips moved against his with so much passion that he noticed something move deep inside of his chest. Heavily breathing they both pulled back.

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