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Before Liam knew it, he was seated in the living room of Stiles and his father, a bunch of faces staring up at him and Theo, who still seemed to be the most relaxed one out of everyone present

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Before Liam knew it, he was seated in the living room of Stiles and his father, a bunch of faces staring up at him and Theo, who still seemed to be the most relaxed one out of everyone present.
And that didn't exactly make things any easier.

Everytime Theo had told Liam to calm his ass down and not walk through his entire house for pretty much an hour straight because he couldn't take the wait anymore it just ticked him off even more. Right when Liam was gonna snap he remembered that they didn't want to fight anymore, but it still felt so odd when Theo would gently run his hand over the back of his neck when he was telling him to relax for a moment or else he was gonna turn into a wolf and there has been going on enough in the past weeks; he didn't feel like adding a wolf disaster in front of his parents to it. Liam would just close his eyes and breathe in and out for a while, asking Theo what would happen if they really believed he had stolen the evidence to protect Theo from the consequences of comitting a murder. But Theo knew that was only half of the stuff Liam was worried about. The people he called his friends were gonna be there, asking him questions that were gonna decide over his future, and when Theo would gently hold his face in his hands telling him that it was all gonna be alright it did only half-convince him, but he nodded nevertheless and let it go for how long he could. He just had that feeling of something bad coming his way, and didn't want to make things worse than they already were.

They first showed Liam the video of him on the security cameras, and he didn't know what people would expect from him as he knew very much that it was indeed him on the camera, there was no denying that. He knew it as much as the others did who recognized his face opening the safe and taking folders out one by one until he was searching the entire room for what he had been looking for. But only because what he had been searching for was already missing. But of course no one believed him when he said that.

When Liam looked over to Theo who was sat next to him, Theo seemed to be as calm as the words he spoke earlier about not having to worry. Liam hoped these words would've had the same effect on him; but he was a mess inside. A bomb that was gonna blow up any second when it got triggered.

He knew for a fact that things looked bad for the two of them, Liam as his accomplice in trying to do the dirty work of making any sort of evidence vanish that would connect him to the murder. And it did indeed seem like this was what this discussion was actually about, busting Theo for what he did.

"It wasn't me, okay. With the murder?", Theo began, but Liam knew that his words had no effect on Stiles, Scott and the Sheriff, who were all awaiting an explicit explanation. Mason and Corey were standing next to them with curious faces, whereas Stiles facial expression could really scare you off. Critically, and deep in thought as if he was set for a conviction. Scott just had a frown on his face, and the Sheriff had his arms crossed in front of his chest, and Liam knew eventhough his face was all relaxed, he most definitely wasn't. At the beginning, everyone would ask Liam and Theo question. It soon was going to be a heated discussion between Scott and the pair.

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