The priest then blesses the couple, joins their hands together, and asks, "Do you take Yuri as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do." Yena answered.

The priest then turned to Yuri. "Do you take Yena as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

Yuri smiled before answering, "I do." She smiled.

Now, the vows.

"I, the most beautiful duck in the world," Yena started her vow which made the guests laugh. "Take you my beloved Yuri to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life." Yena said and smiled.

"Yuri-yah." She started and held the girl's hands. "We've been through a lot didn't we? I never really shared any of my toys when I was a kid but I definitely did when you moved in the neighbor. We had been best friends for what? Almost 20 years now? Probably. You were always on my side every time. You were the one who makes me smile, cry, and crazy. I admit it I'm quite more comfortable when I'm with you than when I'm with the other girls especially with noisy Yujin around." Yena giggled. She saw Yujin glare at her but she quickly stuck her tongue out on her. "As I was saying, thank you for always being there for me. And of course, I'm sorry for those years, you know. I did so much bad things and I know that put you on a lot of stress. And also, I'm sorry for making you worry about me. Remember, I'll always be here for you." Yena smiled wider at the younger

"And of course for our baby there." Yena pointed at Yuri's tummy.

Yuri and Yena both considered IVF to have a baby which succeeded after two tries. Yuri's now three months pregnant and they cannot wait for the baby to be born.

"I love you Yuri-yah and I will always do." Yena said and wiped the tears that was flowing on her cheeks.

"My turn." Yuri said. "I your beloved Yuri, take you the most beautiful duck in the world," And that made the guests laugh again. Yuri giggled before finally continuing. "To be my wife, husband? I promise to be true to you in good times, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."

"Yena-yah. I've always been so regretful ever since 'that' day. I'll always thank you for saving me. And of course I'm glad that you're here. It feels like a dream that I can still hold your warm fat hands, squeeze your cheeks and make fun of your lips. You were the first person who ever made me friendship bracelets, cookies, and that burnt pancake that you threw on my face. I know that if I had a lot of hard time, you actually had more worse. All those 20 years that we became each other's warmth, each other's shoulders and each other's comfort, I thank you for all that. We became closer day by day and here we are. I'll do become a nice wife and mother. I love you always, unnie."

Yuri smiled once again and both of them held each other's hands tightly.

"I take this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Both Yuri and Yena told each other before finally exchanging rings.

"Now that Yena and Yuri had exchanged vows in the presence of their family and friends, I now pronounce that you are now lawfully married." The priest said.

"You may now kiss."

Yena smiled at Yuri and held her cheeks. She leaned in and captured Yuri's lips. They kissed passionately and lovingly.

"I love you." Yena said after the kiss and pecked Yuri's forehead.

"I love you too." Yuri whispered. The two of them hugged each other.

After the ceremony, all their friends and families took a picture with them.

It was a long ride and everyone was a part of it. Took them long enough to finally achieve what they were dreaming of.

Now is the start of the next chapters of their lives, with their family, friends, and of course with each other.


Ah, finally! I finished this! Thank you all so much for sticking from the start. I love you all so much!💕 This would be a huge thanks to all of you!!!
-1338 words-

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Book 2?

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