the poem.🍓(jamesxalex)

Start from the beginning

i'll tell u when to go...

okay :)

are you having lunch with henry

i forgot to tell you last night that henry doesn't come to this stupid school

ph wow😂😂


he's too cool

"james?" will waved his hand in front of his face.

"james!" fraser whistled.

george rolled his eyes as he scooted closer to fraser. swinging his leg back a bit, he thrusted it straight into james'. the taller boy dropping his phone on the table and crying out in agony. his dark eyes snapped to george who grinned sweetly at him.

"what the 'ell, george?" he cried.

"we're speakin' to you, you nonce." will said. "pay attention."

"i am!" james snapped.

"what stupid idea did fraser come up with?" george quizzed, getting a small "hey!" from fraser.

james couldn't help but look down at george's piercing, just to feel something besides alex. he then averted his gaze to fraser's, staring into his green eyes through the boy's glasses. they narrowed as james thought, his friends practically seeing the gears turn in his big head.

"pool?" he remembered fraser saying something about the sun- or was he wrong?

" 'e's too busy thinkin' 'bout snoggin' that bloke 'e met." will tsk-ed.

"am not."

"how'd you meet him? you never told us." fraser pouted.

" 'e spent the entire night talkin' to 'im too." george snitched.

and indeed he had. they had only stopped talking once, and it was james' fault, he had fallen asleep first. james really liked alex, and he knew right away that it was more than friendly. they both enjoyed a lot of the same things, yet they managed to be polar opposites. they shared the same type of humor, and james absolutely loved that. not to mention that alex loved, but pretended to hate, dad jokes. and for some reason, those seemed to just slip past his lips when he was talking to alex.

" 'e's brilliant." james sighed.

" 'ow'd you meet this bloke?" will asked again, fraser never getting his answer.

james suddenly felt really awkward. his shoulders tensing for a couple seconds before he forced out a cough. "uh, around."

but george was smarter than that. "what's his name."


"what year is 'e?"



"am not lyin'!" james lied.

"yes, you are! his name is henry but you 'ave 'im as a star in your contacts." george narrowed his hollow eyes. "you liar!"

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