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Quick note though: this is my first book and I started it when I knew nothing about writing except that I had the inspiration to write. Like, I didn't even read any 'how to write' guide book and I also didn't show it to any superior in writing to get advice. So it's basically a book I had inspiration on and was extremely excited to write that I didn't even bother taking precautions (I thought writing was as easy as that). So what I'm trying to say is that the beginning of this book is a little bad(even to me), it doesn't really spell what's actually important and rather just focuses on them messing around (I'm trying to think of a way to change that without messing my plot). But I promise you that once you get past chapter 15 or 20, you'll see the real book and you'll not be as disappointed as you were in the beginning. Wow, this note wasn't quick at all but I really needed to say that so some of you don't just give up on the book right at the first chapter (that'll be a bummer). I know that there are many books out there but if you give this book a try, you might just enjoy it. Thanks for reading this long long note and I'm sorry for sort of wasting your time.

Anyways I hope you'll give this book a chance, k.
                                                 Love Author


Started this book on May 17th 2020

Finished this book on January 27th 2021.

All rights reserved -©


"I hate you," I all but screamed at him.

"Do you know what it's like to be an outcast to your own peers all your life, do you have any idea what it's like to live in the shadows because no one even bothers to pay attention to you, do you know what it feels like trying to have a normal conversation with people only to be struck with so much anxiety you start to panic, do you know what it feels like to be emotional impaired.

Do you know what it's like to be shunned, mocked and bullied all because of something you can't control. And lastly do you have any idea what it's like to be alone."

By now my screaming had been reduced to barely a whisper. My throat hurts from too much shouting and from too much the emotions struggling to escape my mouth. I had to try for my sanity to keep them at Bay.

He didn't reply, he just looked at me blankly. His rugged but gorgeous face held no emotion except the hardening of his emerald green eyes causing them to look many shades darker.
He was angry but I didn't care.

His silence only fueled my anger, "That's what I thought," I told him my mouth curling into a sneer. I have never been this angry in my life. Only the jerk in front of me could haul up this kind of emotions from me.

"I mean how would you understand," I continued, "you're the most popular boy in our school and probably half of California. Compared to you I'm a nobody," I shouted angrily.

I was on a roll and I couldn't stop it felt so good to let out all this bottled up emotions.

"But even if I'm a nobody it doesn't give you the right to mess with me do you hear me you arrogant good for nothing....."

"Enough," he boomed. I was so shocked that I leaped away from him keeping a considerable distance between us.

"Don't act like you know me because you don't. You know nothing about me and it'll do us both good if we keep it that way," he said covering the distance between us. When he was close he bent to my height.

"STAY OUT OF MY DAMN LIFE," he growled lowly and darkly taking a hold of my arm.

"Let go of me," I screamed as tears began forming in my eyes. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry but his grip on my arm was tightening by the second.

"Please," I whispered the last part sniffling.

My tears only seemed to make his smirk grow as he tightened his grip further. It's like the fact that I was in pain made him happy. I looked at my arm and saw how white it was from the lack of blood circulation. By now my hand was numb and black dots where beginning to cloud my vision.

"Please," I whispered one last time before getting overwhelmed by a familiar sensation as I plunged in darkness.

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