🕊️SR 47

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Hazel James

Conrad held my hand as he helped me cross something that felt like a...a bridge? My eyes were blindfolded as he led me.

"I need you to trust me." He had said.

He held me by my waist and lifted me up when we had crossed. Settling me down he removed the blindfold and I gasped. This must have taken a lot of time.

There was no band of about 20 people playing the violin and harp. No. I valued privacy and I was glad that he had taken that into consideration.

The only people present apart from us was Donovan and our 3 servers for the night.

The place was well lit and looked like a garden. "Where's this place?" I asked curiously because I had lived a long time in New York and I would have seen such a garden.

"This is my private boat house. And also the place we will tell our kids that we had our first date at." He smirked and I blushed.

"You're thinking way too ahead." I chastised.

Drawing me to his chest he cupped my face in his huge palm. "Nothing can ever justify my actions towards you in the past but just know I'm willing to wait for you. Time and again I ask myself if you have truly forgiven me or if you love me as you say.

I feel as if you would leave me for Fredo since he has been good to you all along and helped you whereas I have brought you great pain. Made you lose a year and a half of your life. The only memories you have with me are all bad. Only those of me always landing you in hospital.

Just know I will always love you no matter what." He was close to tears. The fact that he could think I would leave him for another man. I was about to rebuke him when he forced a smile. "Let's eat. Tonight's all about you. I want to know what you have been up to all these years."

This was not over. He pulled out a seat for me and made sure I was comfortable before he took his own.

The waiter came with some light foods first and wine. (*Forgive me but I'm not so knowledgeable in foreign food names and wine. Insert what you would prefer. Love.*)

We talked and laughed almost the whole night but I could see that he was holding himself back.

He was waiting for me to leave him. He would hint it discreetly by bringing up Fredo and I was sick of it. It might have been our first date. Heck! We weren't even dating yet but this was my man. The one I saw a future with.

Standing up I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him till we level face to face. "Listen to me Mr. Knight! I'm not your employee so that you can start saying what is and isn't for me. So lemme get straight to the point. I want you and only you.

Deal with it. All this baggage I'm carrying is yours just the way yours is mine so you better shut up and stop bringing Fredo into this mess. If we are meant to be then it will fall into place so stop." I think it was the wine talking since I could understand other things I was saying.

His eyes were wide open in surprise and his lips slightly parted.

His lips looked really inviting. Pink and full. I slowly leaned in. He was still frozen as he processed my words and took this opportunity to slam my lips down onto his own.

This seemed to unfreeze his mind as he gently pushed me away. "If we are doing this then I want to do it the right way. I've done so many mistakes in the past and I'm not willing to add others. I enjoyed tonight but you're starting to get drunk." I frowned cutting him off.

"I'm not drunk."

"Come, let me take you upstairs." He carried me bridal style and I marvelled at his looks.

He didn't even his me back.

Was he not interested as he had said?

We entered the house but my mind could not fully appreciate the beauty of the house as I was still preoccupied with my thoughts.

"This will be your room for the days we will be here." He gently placed me down and ushered me into the room.

"What about you?"

"I'll sleep in the other room. Basic necessities are in the closet together with your bag. Goodnight." Kissing my forehead he strode out of the room leaving me standing there mouth agape.

Should I seduce him?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I'm just so happy that even I myself don't fully comprehend what I'm writing.
All I know is that I'm very thankful to God.
Stay safe.
Be blessed.
Be prayerful.
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