🕊️SR 43

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Hazel James

I locked myself in the bathroom and cried softly. Heartbreak is one motherfucker.

After Conrad had asked for Nadia's presence I had quickly isolated myself from the rest.

It had been about an hour now.

The door opened and I heard footsteps inside. "Oh my God!" I could hear the female sobbing. "He slipped into a coma just after being given the clear by the doctor. Neenaaa...what am I going to do?"

That was Nadia's voice. "I love Conrad. He has been there for me all along..."

I zoned out when I heard that Conrad was in a coma. I did not care that Nadia and Neena were in the bathroom.

I dashed out of the bathroom stall an rushed to his ward. I ignored the strange looks people threw my way. I knew I was barefoot and only in a man's shirt.

As I threw the door open and saw him. There he was laying pale in the bed with an IV attached to his arm.

Closing the door behind me I made my way towards the bed. Sitting on the edge I ran my fingers in his hair softly.

My tear glands were activated as I realised that I could never have this man.

Tracing his eyebrows with my finger tips I lowered my head to his own. My forehead resting against his. My breath hitting his lips.

I closed my eyes and allowed the tears to flow. "You stupid man." I exclaimed. "I know you have moved on, but I'm still yet to move on from loving you." I hiccupped.

"You were my first love. Though you don't reciprocate these feelings I just want you to wake up. I really forgive you this time. For everything. Even for not loving me."

I leaned my head back on his. Closing my eyes and sighing. Breathing in his scent before I leave. Before his girlfriend returns.

Slowly running my fingers through his hair again and again. No one would ever compare to Conrad Knight.

Just then soft lips covered my own in a deep kiss.

I was too in shock. Shock that Conrad was awake to realise that he was kissing me.

He held me by the back of my neck and deepened the kiss. He opened his eyes and looked straight at me slowly kissing me.

My mind refused to function as shocks travelled down my spine. Relishing in the kiss. He suddenly released my lips.

His eyes twinkling as he looked at me. "My life has never been the same since I met you."

I didn't even know what he meant by that.

My cheeks flushed as I hoped he had not heard my confession. It would be too embarrassing to face him when he was already with another woman.

I was about to jump off the bed as I was almost laying on his chest. His one hand one my waist and the other in my hair.

He stopped me before I could even move. "You wouldn't leave a wounded man alone after kissing the life out of him, now would you? The little energy I had..." He smirked at me and I flushed.

"Break up lovebirds!" Cole came in shouting and I narrowed my eyes when I saw the others behind him.

Glancing back at Conrad I saw him with a goddamn smirk on his face.

"It wasn't that hard to conf- aaahhhh!" Madison screamed. The liquid on the floor confirmed that her water had broke.

I snatched my hand from Conrad and took off as the doctor was being called. I held Madi as she screamed. "THIS PAIN... GOD!!!" She panted.

She was wheeled into another ward as we followed suit. I used this opportunity to run from Conrad. I was so embarrassed.

The fact that I told him my feelings knowing fully well he was with another. I felt guilty when I saw Nadia looking at me.

I couldn't face her. Not after I had been locking lips with her boyfriend.

Who is supposed to be my man.

The doctor, and Cole were in the from with Madison as we waited outside. Conrad couldn't leave his room as his injuries were yet to heal.

How he miraculously survived the plane crash was beyond me but I was happy he was alive nonetheless.

I took my overgrown red hair in a messy bun on top of my head and slumped onto a nearby seat.

"You know if you stop being a coward for once, then you might actually find happiness." Steven said as he sat down next to me.

"I know my son. What he did to you is unacceptable but he has learned his mistake. The boy loves you and I can see you love him too. Just imagine the look on his face when you ran from there. It was so heartbreaking. I'm not one for speeches but you two should talk it out." Patting my back he stood up.

He turned just before he left. "Just so you know, I ship you both." He winked and I found myself laughing while shaking my head.

My head in my hands I sat down there thinking. "I thought I made it clear I was coming to get my man. What changed?" I wondered.

"Hey." Nadia said and I shifted uncomfortably.

"Before you run, I just have a confession to make. Listen first before you interrupt me. I'm actually lesbian. Conrad is a brother to me who has been there for me through thick and thin. It's the media who blew things out of proportion because we did not address the matter. I find you attractive though."

My mouth opened in surprise.

As you can see, this book is about to come to an end.
Hope you enjoyed the previous chapters.
I will edit and brush on some chapters after I finish the book so please bare with some mistakes.
Vote and comment.
Not Edited.
Be blessed.💞

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