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Hazel James

I had been working at Knight Tech for 3 years now and I had never had a glance at the boss let alone upclose look. Now, I was being transferred to the 92nd floor.

From what I had heard the boss had been on a 6 month trip and was returning tomorrow. My name's Hazel James, 24 years old, 1st class honours graduate in Business Administration, Web Development and Business Law from Harvard.

5'9, piercing blue eyes that contrast with my name. Many say I should have been named Sapphire. Hip length, red, flaming hair. Family is a sore subject that I prefer to be hidden away.

Right now as I organised my things in my new office I looked across the hallway and saw the boss' office in big gold letters. Conrad Knight. I vaguely know how he looks from what I've heard from some friends here at work.

When girls used to swoon over him and tell me about him I would piece the pieces together in my head and imagine scenarios of me and him. I used to have a serious crush on him. Now, now don't judge. A girl can dream, can't she?

"James, I want you to take this to the accounts department and give this to a Rose Pete. Tell her to follow those instructions and I'll ring her in a few." I nodded as Christopher Columbus, the CFO made his way out.

I grabbed the files from my desk and proceeded to the 37th floor. I punched in the numbers and waited for a few minutes and in no time I had arrived. This place was not called Knight Tech for no reason. It had the most high tech materials ever known to man that worked 10x faster than the normal ones.

The place was buzzing with people. I looked around and spotted someone who looked like she could help me. Seated quietly at a corner was a platinum haired woman typing furiously onto her laptop.

"Hi?" She frowned and rolled her eyes muttering what I distinctly presume was 'again.' "Sorry for disturbing you but I was looking for a Rose Pete. Mr. Columbus sent this to you and he's said he'll call you shortly."

"Mmh." She said tapping her pen on her desk. "Okay. You can leave now slut." I did not pay any attention to her and left with my head held high. I'd been receiving glares and insults since I was moved to a new floor and the shade was mostly from the ladies. Truly, women are their own enemies.

"Easier there Blue." I would have broken my nose if this guy had not saved me. I would have gone straight and crushed my nose on the fire extinguisher.

Looking up I saw a brunette with light green eyes and soft boyish features. "I'm Leon West." I nodded and introduced myself. "It was nice meeting you Leon but I have to go."
"See you at lunch?" He yelled. I gave him a nod and left.

I was about to knock but Mr. Columbus office was already open. He was on the phone and my ears perked up when I heard my name. "...Con, I know you left because you were in love with Hazel...maybe...yeah, she's still the same but maybe you will see some changes who knows? Yeah, see you."

I knew he was about to cut the call so I quickly went back to the office, my heart thumping loudly against my ribcage. Conrad Knight left because of me? As in me? Hazel James? I wanted to squeal but I composed myself.

Oh my word! My crush was slowly resurfacing. I looked at the clock and saw it was time for lunch. I sat down at my normal spot and ate my lunch in peace as my thoughts drifted back to what I overheard. If Christopher was speaking to Conrad and that in private then it had to be true.

I had never clearly seen him and his pictures online were just blurry from a side profile. How did he even fall in love with me and we never met? He was stalking me. I had been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't realised that time had really elapsed.

I ran to my office to finish some paperwork that the boss would be checking the following day. I had to organise and reorganise what the previous employee had failed to do.

I slumped on my chair when I was done. "You can go home, Hazel. Be here by 7am tomorrow. Have good night." "Thank you sir, you too."
"Call me Chris. We're friends aren't we?"
"Yes." I nodded smiling.

I went home with a spring in my step. It was confirmed, Conrad is in love with me. Chris being friendly with me confirmed it. I got into my car and drove home.

With all my credentials I lived quite well to say. A 3 bedroomed penthouse and a Chevrolet traverse. I had to look good for the boss tomorrow and I knew just who to call.


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