🕊️SR 42

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Which one would you forego?

Hazel James

As I paced the living room floor of the Knights, nearly leaving a dent I wondered, "Was I too late?"

There were no new updates on where the plane crushed exactly but I was more than hopeful.

According to the private investigator of Steven, Conrad's father, the plane might have sunk in the sea. That was a possibility.

I was restless. My heart couldn't stop pounding. "Was he okay? Is he alive? How will he react to seeing me? Did it take a near death experience for me to woman up and accept my feelings?"

"Hazel, calm down. He'll be fine." Coke tried to assure me. But my conscience was having none of that.

I needed to see for myself that he was alive and breathing.

"Turn the television on." Steven ordered.

"Breaking news, it has come to our attention that America's most eligible bachelor and Billionaire heartthrob Conrad Knight was involved in a plane crash hours ago. According to his girlfriend Nadia Samuels, he was on his way to New York after his vacation in Melbourne, Australia.
Inside source say that the woman is beyond distraught. As we speak now, we are yet to find out where the man in question is. His private jet was located a few miles from the sea.
The search is still ongoing but there were charred remains found in the plane. Investigation's still ongoing to determine who the remains belong to.
Till then, tune in for more updates on this heart wrenching case.
I have been you-"

A sob broke out of my throat and I slapped my palm on my mouth to try and control myself.

Please don't let those charred remains be him. I chanted continuously in my mind.

"Let's stay here for the night as we wait for updates. I know my son, he's a fighter." Steven said.

I surely hope that is the case.

Everyone retired to their bedrooms for the night and I just stood there observing Conrad's photo.


"Hazel wake up!"

"No!" I murmured groggily.

Sleep had finally consumed me at wee hours of the morning. It was about 5 am when I had finally succumbed to darkness.

Now as this pest disturbed I wanted to move but my mind didn't agree. I was too sleepy.

"Wake up! Conrad was brought to New York some time ago. Steven and the others have already gone." Jennifer shouted.

That's when all the previous night's events came back to me.

Conrad was involved in a plane crush.

Quickly brushing my teeth I scrambled out if the house in a black T-shirt that reached mid thigh and was written in bold KNIGHT.

It was one of Conrad's shirts that I had taken out of his closet before I had gone to sleep.

I quickly sat in the car honking for Jennifer to hurry up.

As we sped through the streets of New York City cars swerved left and right while others honked.

It was a miracle we arrived safely at the hospital. Remind me to never hitch a ride with Jen. She's the worst driver you could ever encounter.

Running into the hospital the nurse gave us directions to where the rest of the family members were.

I could find myself slowing down as we reached his ward. How will he react to seeing me?

The others were outside when we arrived. "How's he?" I asked cautiously.

"He's in the ER as we speak. We are yet to see him or the doctor. So no updates." Cole replied.

I sat next to Madison and waited. She was yet to give birth. "You shouldn't be here Madi. You should be resting at home since you are almost due." I reprimanded her.

"Look at who's talking. Your eyes are puffy and swollen. Did you even sleep? And why do you smell male? Conrad's shirt? I'm itching to tell you I told you so but I'll be the bigger person and shut up."

My thoughts were all over the place.

"You are in love with him. He'll be fine, don't fret." She assured me.

"What if he doesn't love me? He has a girlfriend, remember?" I deadpanned.

"You silly goose." She giggled.

Just then a woman who looked like she had ran a marathon came panting and heaving. "How's he?"

Steven stood up smiling at her. "Oh Nadia, my daughter, so glad you could come. Though I would preferred if we had met under other circumstances."

Oh, so she was Nadia. She looked quiet small up close and she was really short. Next to her was a tall muscular woman.

"Nice to meet you sir." She replied when Steven greeted her.

So she was already acquainted with the family? A familiar emotion started to read it's ugly head.

Damn. I was jealous.

"Let's get out of here before you murder poor Nadia." Madi whispered. We were about to leave when she turned and looked at me.

"So you are Hazel?" She said wide-eyed and looked me up and down. She whispered to herself and whistled lowly and the others chuckled.

What was going on?

"Damn! Now I know why Conrad is smitten with you. That lucky bitch." She cursed and I narrowed my eyes.

"You are scaring the poor girl." The muscular woman interjected. "I'm Neena."

My face must have been in a very funny twist because they started laughing.

I was about to question them when a voice interrupted.

"Mr. Knight is awake and would like to see a Ms. Nadia?"

My heart stopped.

He loves Nadia.

I tried to blink back my tears. Nadia shrieked and skipped in the direction of where the doctor had gone. When she opened the door I heard her say, "Hello boyfriend." And a faint chuckle from Conrad onwards.

"Where did you want us to go?" I whispered to Madison who looked at me in sympathy.

Hey lovelies,
Here's a chapter to keep you going.
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Not Edited.
Be safe.

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