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Hazel James

I might have been in a coma for a year and half but that did not stop me from remembering everything I had gone through. From all the betrayal. I thought Conrad liked me. Jennifer pretended to be my friend, Cole conspired to fool me, I thought Leon was a nice guy and most of all. The word I detest most. Family.

They were supposed to stand by you but instead, they hurt you most. I doubt if I'll even have the strength to pursue any kind of relationship with any man in future. Friend or lover. The only man I love is my father. He took care of me and always supported me. Speaking of which. I hadn't seen him since I woke up.

I turned to the others. Everyone was here, Madi, Cole, Dr. Michaelson, Jennifer and her baby, Leon, Chris and Conrad but my father was nowhere in sight. "Madi, where's dad? I'm sure he must have completed his treatment by now."

Everyone froze. And by everyone, I mean just that. They refused to look me in the eye as Madison looked at me with sympathy. "Umm...God. I-he...hmm. We'll talk later." She stuttered terribly.

"Where is my father?" I screamed. "Calm down Ms. James. You just came out of a coma." Dr. Michaelson gave his input. He had his arms on my shoulder. The glare I gave him made him immediately retract his hands and shut his mouth.

"I will ask once more. Where the hell is my father? If you don't answer me right now, I swear to God I'm getting out of this hospital and going to find out myself."

"He died." Leon blurted out and I stopped halfway from ripping off the IV on my hand. My movements froze as I heard the heart monitor beeping and my eyes zeroed on Conrad. "You killed him! You killed him!" I screamed.

"Calm down Ms. I want all of you to get out. She's having an attack."

"Get the fuck away from me!" I screamed and ripped off every damn thing that was attached to me. I hopped off the bed and grabbed the closest thing. A glass jug and threw it on the wall. "I hope you're all happy. Your plan worked out." I focused my eyes on Conrad. "Congratulations on your victory. You said it yourself that you would break me. Trust me you have succeeded beyond your goals."

I slid down on the wall and sat hugging my knees. Remembering everything made a waterfall flow as I sobbed into my fist. My father was gone. My only support system. "Lemme tell you something Conrad, you are no different from Luke and Crystal. You are all animals. I will never forgive you for this nor will I forget. I loathe you and I wish I had never met you. I have nothing against that baby Jennifer. But I do not wish to be her godmother."

I chuckled bitterly as more tears escaped. "If only I had listened to you Madi, I wouldn't be here today. There is nothing like love. That stupid infatuation I had for Conrad got me into this."

"Dr. Michaelson, prepare my discharge papers. It's not a request. I'm fine as you can see. There's no need to stay here anymore. Madison, please get me some clothes." "But-"

"I've made up my mind. I'm fine, I'm not hurt. Hurry." The tone of my voice made them shut up. Let a new chapter begin.

Conrad Knight

Jennifer stood at a corner holding Sapphire. Hazel had refused to hold her. My chest ached when she said she'll never forgive me and that she loathes me. What more did I expect? Her eyes were completely stone cold.

"Here." Madison gave her the clothes she requested. She wanted to be released today and I doubt that we would ever see each other from this day onwards. She went inside the bathroom to change as we faced each other.

"I have already forgiven you guys but I'm with Hazel on this. Conrad you took away a year and half from her. I want you guys to leave her alone. No PIs on her or tracking her. Let her be. You've already caused enough damage." Madison said.

The bathroom door squeaked and we all shut up. Hazel was dressed in black tight-fitting jeans, a white shirt, black hoodie and black sneakers. Her was overgrown as it now reached her hips. She took it into a huge messy bun on her head. She made eye contact with me and I nearly flinched. They held alot of hatred and another thing. Vengeance.


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