🕊️SR 21

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Conrad Knight

After alot of convincing from Chris Madison had finally left. Though it had me raising eyebrows at how close they were in just a short while. Helen, my father and the others had already left. It was now me. The guilt wouldn't let me leave.

I went into the private ward that Hazel was. The night shift officers were already outside. I had not seen her since she was shot. I drew a seat and sat down beside her.

She was ghastly pale that it scared me. If not for the beeping machine I would have thought she was dead. Now that I looked at her from upclose I could see how attractive she is.

Her red hair was in a bun and long lashes brushed her cheeks. Looking closely I could see my handprint on her face. I traced it lightly. "If only I had approached things a better way and found out the truth first then we wouldn't be here now."

She had dark eyebags and she had lost weight indeed. I felt like beating myself up when I saw her palm. The whole palm was black and I remembered when I pressed her hand into the hot pan.

"Hazel, I really am very sorry. Even though it doesn't cut it. Just please wake up. I know I took everything away from you, used you, humiliated you but I regret everything. I knew you loved me but I used it against you. I'm sorry." I felt very pathetic with what I had done that tears even flowed.

I held her small hand in mine hoping that she would wake up. But she didn't.


"What are you doing here? Not satisfied with the damage you have already caused?"

Christopher Columbus

I knew Conrad wanted sometime alone with Hazel so after alot of coaxing Madison had finally accepted to leave last night.

But now I knew Madison was ready to rip his head off. He was seated with Hazel's hand in his. He looked like he had been crying. He should be with what he had done.

I'm not calling myself any saint but I had told Conrad countless times without number that he stop and think it through. I know I did not help Hazel in anyway and sat as she was being mistreated. I even participated in her being used and humiliated yet said nothing.

I don't even know how I would face her when she wakes up. That's why I decided to contact Madison and tell her the whole truth from when it started and told her where to find Hazel. I wouldn't call us friends but something close to that.

"What are you doing here? Not satisfied with the damage you have already caused?" Madison spat as Conrad woke up confused. His eyes were bloodshot.

"Leave." Conrad twisted his mouth into a grim line. "Look, I know you're mad at me but I just want her forgiveness. To give her life back and disappear from all of your lives. Please."

Madison looked as if she was contemplating something. "Fine then. You can stay. But I don't trust you. It is because of you that we don't even know if she will make it. Why do bad things happen to good people?" She sat and held her face in her hands.

"First it was her mother, Luke and Crystal that abused her when she was young and now you. Her father who was her only supporter is on the verge of death and it's all your fault. But just know, in all that happened in her life. You were the one who broke her. I hope you live in misery." She spat.

Conrad's face showed disbelief, sadness, shock among other emotions. We were not on talking terms as of now. Jennifer was at home resting since she was pregnant with Cole and Leon was outside in the waiting room.

"I'm really sorry Ma-" "No, no. You're not sorry. You feel guilty. But if you want someone to tell that sorry to, you can start with her father. The one who is in the ICU because he thought his daughter had given up on his just as his wife and other children had done. The one who's daughter you almost killed and put in a coma. That is who you should start with your pathetic apologies. Not me."


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